Questions tagged [silverstripe]

Silverstripe is a free and open source PHP web development framework and Content Management System (CMS) based on the eponymous Silverstripe Framework.

Silverstripe CMS is a free and open source PHP web development framework, primarily developed and maintained by the New Zealand based company of the same name (Silverstripe Ltd.).

Silverstripe CMS is notable for being the first open source web application to become Microsoft Certified and for winning a number of awards for CMS usability.

Silverstripe CMS is built on the Silverstripe Framework (previously called Sapphire), an object-oriented PHP framework designed to let users focus on their data and business logic. The framework enables developers to easily extend the CMS.

Development Resources

The following lists contain development resources for Silverstripe programmers.


Resources sponsored or hosted by Silverstripe Ltd.:

The book "SilverStripe: The Complete Guide to CMS Development" is also available from


The follow requirements are listed on the server requirements documentation page:


  • PHP 5.3.3+ (incl. PHP 7)
  • The following modules: dom, gd2, fileinfo, hash, iconv, mbstring, mysqli (or other database driver), session, simplexml, tokenizer, xml
  • Relevant database module (mysql, pgsql, sqlsrv, etc)
  • 48 MB memory (minimum)
  • php-intl extension (Silverstripe 4 only)


  • MySQL 5.0+ (built in support)
  • PostgreSQL 8.3+ (with a module)
  • SQLite 3+ (with a module)
  • SQL Server 2008 (with a module)

HTTP Server

  • Apache 2.0+ with mod_rewrite and "AllowOverride All" set (preferred)
  • IIS 7+ with URL Rewrite Module
  • Lighttpd and Nginx possible but require knowledge for how to configure them
2238 questions
1 answer

SilverStripe PHP Forms - If I nest a SelectionGroup inside a FieldGroup, one of the related SelectionGroup_Items' Radio Box does not show up. Why?

I have a form that has two FieldGroups, and in one of the FieldGroups I have a SelectionGroup. The SelectionGroup_Items show up in the form FieldGroup but the radio boxes to select one of the options doesn't show. If I remove the FieldGroup it then…
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10 answers

Twitter bootstrap collapse: change display of toggle button

I am using Twitter Bootstrap to create collapsible sections of text. The sections are expanded when a + button is pressed. My html code as follows:


Markus M.
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9 answers

mysqldump and restore with special characters. øæåØÆÅ

Locally I do this to dump and move a database, upgrading silverstripe 2.3 to 2.4: mysqldump --opt --default-character-set=latin1 --skip-set-charset --user=$root -p$password $oldDatabase -r db.sql iconv -f LATIN1 -t UTF8 db.sql > db_utf.sql…
Mario Michelli
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7 answers

Familiar with SilverStripe? What are your opinions/impressions?

I'm trying to pick a good CMS that isn't a portal. All of my research as lead me to believe SilverStipe is the best option. I'd like some opinions/impressions. Thanks for any thoughts you have. edit: I've decided to try it out. I'll post my own…
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2 answers

Is it possible to have versioned many_many relations?

I already used versioning on DataObjects when they contain a lot of content, now I'm wondering if it's possible to apply versioning to a many_many relation? Assuming I have the following: class Page extends SiteTree { private static $many_many =…
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5 answers

Is the Silverstripe CMS as easy to deploy, maintain, and develop on as it appears?

Although I haven't thought about deploying it on my own site, someone I know sent me a link to a CMS called SilverStripe that I've never heard of before. I read their site, looked at and played around with their demo, and so on. It looks like it's a…
Thomas Owens
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2 answers

Silverstripe. Uploaded to live. Getting "SilverStripe Framework requires a $databaseConfig defined."

I've uploaded a site to the live server, imported the database and updated the db connection info in mysite/_config.php but am getting the following error: SilverStripe Framework requires a $databaseConfig defined. This appears to come from…
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2 answers

Silverstripe - Looping over non-associative array in template

How can this be done inside of a template? I have done it with ArrayData using the key in the template loop to access values from the template, but if I have an arbitrary array of strings with no keys, what variable do I use to access the values? If…
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2 answers

silverstripe 3 addFieldToTab "Settings"

I want to add a Field to the existing Tab "Settings" of Edit Page View (marked in the screenshot). I tried this: $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Settings', new TextField('Intro')); But it just adds a new tab next to the secondary Tab "Main Content"…
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0 answers

Silverstripe Custom SS_Report timeout

I am working on a Silverstripe custom report which had been created before my time at my current employer. The report returns CompetitionEntry rows for a specific Competition along with the title of the competition (and a couple of other fields…
Alexander Holsgrove
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5 answers

.htaccess redirect .php and .html requests

I work with a framework called SilverStripe ... we are currently in the process of migrating an old site onto this framework. The problem is that the old site URLs ended with .php or .html whilst in the new site they don't. I need to amend the…
Gabriel Spiteri
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1 answer

Silverstripe Uploadify Add fields

I am looking to attach multiple images to a page in silverstripe (that will act as a rotating gallery eventually) and was wondering if it was possible for a user to add a link for each of these images when uploading each image?
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1 answer

SilverStripe: How do I insert a tab before another tab?

I am trying to insert a new admin tab before Root.Content.Main without any luck. I've tried: $fields->insertBefore(new Tab('Root.Content.Overview', 'Overview'), 'Root.Content.Main'); and $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content', new Tab('OverviewTab',…
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3 answers

How to automaticaly publish files uploaded to a dataobject in Silverstripe model admin

In Silverstripe 4 a file that is uploaded must be published before it is visible to the public side of the site. If I create a $Page with a $has_one Image::Class and then also assign that image to $owns[] the uploaded image will be published when I…
Daniel H.
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1 answer

Create a DataObject to build table rows and columns in SilverStripe

I'm trying to do something very different for a SilverStripe site: on several subpages are tables of data, and these tables each have their own set of column headers, and some tables have more columns than others. I want to avoid building out tables…
Dejsa Cocan
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