Questions tagged [silverstripe]

Silverstripe is a free and open source PHP web development framework and Content Management System (CMS) based on the eponymous Silverstripe Framework.

Silverstripe CMS is a free and open source PHP web development framework, primarily developed and maintained by the New Zealand based company of the same name (Silverstripe Ltd.).

Silverstripe CMS is notable for being the first open source web application to become Microsoft Certified and for winning a number of awards for CMS usability.

Silverstripe CMS is built on the Silverstripe Framework (previously called Sapphire), an object-oriented PHP framework designed to let users focus on their data and business logic. The framework enables developers to easily extend the CMS.

Development Resources

The following lists contain development resources for Silverstripe programmers.


Resources sponsored or hosted by Silverstripe Ltd.:

The book "SilverStripe: The Complete Guide to CMS Development" is also available from


The follow requirements are listed on the server requirements documentation page:


  • PHP 5.3.3+ (incl. PHP 7)
  • The following modules: dom, gd2, fileinfo, hash, iconv, mbstring, mysqli (or other database driver), session, simplexml, tokenizer, xml
  • Relevant database module (mysql, pgsql, sqlsrv, etc)
  • 48 MB memory (minimum)
  • php-intl extension (Silverstripe 4 only)


  • MySQL 5.0+ (built in support)
  • PostgreSQL 8.3+ (with a module)
  • SQLite 3+ (with a module)
  • SQL Server 2008 (with a module)

HTTP Server

  • Apache 2.0+ with mod_rewrite and "AllowOverride All" set (preferred)
  • IIS 7+ with URL Rewrite Module
  • Lighttpd and Nginx possible but require knowledge for how to configure them
2238 questions
1 answer

Silverstripe File already exists at path: error when uploading files

I'm using SilverStripe 4. When I try to drag and drop a file into the SilverStripe upload field in the CMS, I get the following error: File already exists at path: fundraising/c573871f03/DSCN9695-v2.JPG I get the same error when I click on 'Browse'…
0 answers

How to get columns in Export CSVs in ss_report Silverstripe?

class Report1 extends SS_Report { public function columns() { $fields = array( 'Date' => 'Date', 'Method' => 'Method', 'Number' => ' No(NEW)', ); return $fields; } } I needs…
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1 answer

Silverstripe - How To Create Pages as Part of a Deployment?

I have a silverstripe based web application which is under active development and gets deployed regularly to our dev, QA, UAT etc environments. At the moment we have automated jobs for those deployments which copy the files, do a composer install…
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1 answer

Silverstripe: Fulltext search?

It seems that if you install Silverstripe 4.3 with a standard template (I tried several) there is no onsite full search. The input box is not appearing. What are the necessary steps to activate the onsite search?
1 answer

Is there a way to turn on/off the logging with setting a variable in config file in SilverStripe 3.X (CWP 1.8)?

We are building a web application with CWP 1.8 which is upon SilverStripe 3.6, the log will be captured by SS_Log class with statement like SS_Log::log('Log message', SS_Log::INFO);. As we only need to capture the log for debugging purpose when the…
1 answer

How can I show only the most recent 100 results from the database in the CMS?

I would like to show only the most recently 100 entries in my Database on the CMS side of my silverstripe site. I can currently see all 600 and this is unnecessary. The silverstripe docs are unhelpful and I cant get onto their forum to ask this. I…
Tim Tolley
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1 answer

How to create the edit form in Silverstripe 4.2 frontend?

I wish to create the edit form in Silverstripe 4.2, much like this Stack Overflow's edit function that i'm looking for. EDITED: I want to be able to have a page that is only available to the registered member of my website that they can post their…
1 answer

Silverstripe Userform and form problem submit buttons value disappears

Silverstripe 3.7 php 7 Userform add on See here on my dev site Form problem. Send form button text disappears when clicked but does send form when text disappears you can click what is left without send form…
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0 answers

Get the required fields for Google Tag Manager

I am currently integrating a google tag manager in one of my Silverstripe websites and I require to programatially retrieve details of Product name, order total price and currency. I have retrieved the other details like order id, coupon code but I…
1 answer

How to redirect a URL?

I have a problem in redirecting a URL on a Silverstripe website. I have a news feed page with a summary of articles in a paginated style. It displays 20 articles initially and switches to the next 20 based on the page number chosen. It is just the…
1 answer

Silverstripe DataObject too big to be saved using MySQL/InnoDB

a question about a web application using PHP7.1, Silverstripe 3.6.0, and MySQL. The app is hosted on a PaaS provider. Therefore, I don't have direct access to the database and cannot tweak InnoDB, like the error message is suggesting. I have a…
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1 answer

Is it possible to show a specific page on all subsites within the silverstripe subsite module?

I was busy attaching dataobjects under category pages of which some are under different subsites. But I can't see these pages of other subsites on my dataobjects which makes sense. At first I tried to make a custom array which includes the category…
1 answer

Silverstripe Editors can not edit own DataObjects

My problem is that editors can't edit or create certain DataObjects I created for page I built. Some are editable and some aren't. And if I switch language, it's a multi-language site, then the Input fields don't even appear. Examples: I have a…
1 answer

Running Silverstripe with MAMP and Gulp

I'm trying to set up a local dev environment for a Silverstripe build which was set up by someone else. I'm not all that familiar with Silverstripe so am a bit lost as to how to do this. I can't share much of the code for security reasons but I can…
Tim Tolley
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1 answer

silverstripe 4 - Render UserDefinedForm on custom page templates

I need some help with converting SS3 to SS4. I would like to render my contact form on another page as well as my default Contact page. I managed to get it working in SS3 but things are a little different in SS4 and I am not sure how to write the…
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