Questions tagged [data-objects]

93 questions
5 answers

Refactoring large data object

What are some common strategies for refactoring large "state-only" objects? I am working on a specific soft-real-time decision support system which does online modeling/simulation of the national airspace. This piece of software consumes a number…
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Create a DataObject to build table rows and columns in SilverStripe

I'm trying to do something very different for a SilverStripe site: on several subpages are tables of data, and these tables each have their own set of column headers, and some tables have more columns than others. I want to avoid building out tables…
Dejsa Cocan
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3 answers

How to define difference between business model and a data model?

I see the term often used as if there is a concrete distinction between the two when discussing MVC for OO languages. From what I get from context it is that business models perform an action to mutate the data models. Is that a correct way to…
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Silverstripe 3.2: How to add and update Dataobjects in a frontend form dynamically?

Example: I have Members (who can login and update their data) who have one or many qualifications. So I have a DataObject 'Members' and a DataObject 'Qualification' with a has_one/has_many relationship. Something like this: class Qualification…
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3 answers

Java Design: dealing with data objects used by many classes

First, a brief description of the library that brought this up: I have a library that listens continuously on a provided serial port, reading in blocks of bytes and passing them along to be processed in some meaningful way (details aren't important…
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1 answer

DataObject.GetDatapresent with subclass

When I call this method DataObject.GetData(typeof(ItemType)) from an instance of a subclass of ItemType the method returns null... How can i get the data from the subtype? Thank you
Giacomo Tagliabue
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2 answers

Silverstripe 3.2 - How to manage different lists of the same Dataobjects in ModelAdmin in different tabs

I'd like to manage different filtered lists of the same DataObject in ModelAdmin. I have the DataObject "Message" which has a SentbyID and a SenttoID. In ModelAdmin I want to manage two lists. One list with all messages with a certain SentbyID and…
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1 answer

Data Model Definition Standard in JavaScript/Node

I recently started programming in JavaScript (Server side) and Node.js. I come from Java background where there is a concrete standard on how you define Data Object, which is Java Bean. Do we have any such standards in JavaScript/Node on how we…
Prabhash Rathore
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1 answer

How to build data object in browser?

I want to know that can we build a data object using jquery/json, which only exist in the browser like we have session object at server side? The reason for having a data object is that I am providing different layouts for users so they can…
Safran Ali
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2 answers

PHP PEAR/DataObject equivalent to Rails' easy ActiveRecord finding functionality

In Rails, say a blogging application, given a particular post object you could get the name of the author of the post doing something like: post = Post.find(1) author_name = Is there a PHP equivalent using DataObject, something…
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1 answer

How to yield a nilable shared object in Chapel?

Currently, I am working on Chapel Data Objects and I am facing some issues. I have a class named Row which can be nil. I have these three methods: override iter these()ref { for row in this.fetchall(){ yield row; } } …
1 answer

Silverstripe 3.2: How to export db fields of only one Dataobject in a CSV file?

I know there is a GridFieldExportButton which exports all the data of a GridField. But what I want is a custom Button which exports all the $db fields (ore just a few of them) of only ONE DataObject in a CSV file and download it. So I want this…
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1 answer

SilverStripe 3: How to display the URL Segment / Page info of a DataObject

I'm getting all my DataObjects from a specific class and displaying them randomly on another page. I need to access the URL segment of the page they belong to. How do I do this? I've tried, $URLSegment $UP.URLSegment $Parent.URLSegment etc which I…
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1 answer

DataObject + TranslatableDataObject + ModelAdmin

Setup: SS 3.1.13, Translatable 2.0.8 and TranslatableDataObject dev-master. I have two DataObject classes: "Facility" ($has_one) and "FacilityType" ($has_many) which I chose to be managed in ModelAdmin (as they are global properties of the site…
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0 answers

nextRowset() do-while loop causing 500 error

I'm creating a web service for a mobile application in PHP using PDO database calls. The problem code is below: // Prepare Stored Procedure Call $query = "CALL " . $_GET['proc'] . '('.implode(', ', array_keys($paramArray)).')'; $stmt =…
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