Questions tagged [serverless-plugins]

41 questions
1 answer

Serverless Framework - AWS CloudFront with S3 origin and multiple behaviours

I need to configure serverless.yaml as following: 1) 3 environments (stages) - dev ,qa ,prod 2) qa and dev should be ip restricted. CloudFront serving static html files from S3. S3 bucket : qa/index.html dev/index.html prod/index.html 1)…
1 answer

Serverless Framework - deploying multiple AWS cloudfront distributions

I want to have multiple (based on stage param) AWS cloudfront distribution. So if --stage dev passed it would deploy a different CloudFront dist than --stage qa. Each stage should update/create a distribution based on the stage params. Is it…
1 answer

Pointing Two AWS Lambda Functions to Same Domain

I am using the serverless framework and AWS Lambdas to deploy two function with different path names (/message and /subscribe) to my subdomain at I am using the serverless-domain-manager plugin for serverless and successfully…
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serverless plugin warmup cannot be found by severless deployment

I was getting the below error while I was trying to deploy lambda on AWS. Serverless Error --------------------------------------- An error occurred: WarmUpPluginLambdaFunction - The runtime parameter of nodejs6.10 is no longer supported for…
1 answer

Invoke api running on localhost from aws lambda in nodejs

I am running a api on http://localhost:80/api/test, I want to invoke this api from lambda function but I am not sure what plugin or anything I should use to access same.The reason for for doing so is, I want to do testing lambda and api in…
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Deploy Azure function with contributor account permission

I am working on a Azure environnent for a client, my account is set as "contributor". Somehow I cannot use the Azure build in console, I need to create a storage account but when I do so or when I use an existing one, I get the error : "Storage…
3 answers

Serverless: Your serverless.yml has an invalid value with key: "Ref"

While installing serverless with following command sls plugin install -n serverless-alexa-skills --stage dev I am getting an error like Your serverless.yml has an invalid value with key: "Ref" The following is my sample serverless.yml…
2 answers

sls alexa auth returns 400 Bad Request

I have recently started working on alexa serverless. I have followed the steps as mentioned in a serverless blog I have installed the serverless and created security…
1 answer

Serverless Lambda deployment in node8.10 not uploading any code

I have a lambda function deployed with Serverless. It was deployed with node6.10 runtime, so I decided to redeploy the service with the node8.10 runtime instead. However after making this redeploy I faced a strange issue where I could not invoke the…
1 answer

Unable to create new function with Alibaba Cloud Function Compute Serverless Plugin

I am following this guide: Aliyun Function Compute Serverless Plugin to try to create a new service with a new Node.js serverless function under the Alibaba Cloud Function Compute using the Serverless Framework as well as the Aliyun Function Compute…
1 answer

Node.js serverless offline hangs after 1st request

first time when i make a request its working fine, but when i make the request again without restarting the server, its going time out and returning some promise error following is the code and error module.exports.getOne = (event, context,…
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