Questions tagged [serverless-plugins]

41 questions
4 answers

How to remove stage from URLs for AWS Lambda functions + Serverless framework?

I'm using Serverless Framework to deploy functions in AWS Lambda, but I can't find where/how I can remove the stage specifier from the URL endpoints created. The documentation does not seem to cover this part. For example, this is my serverless.yml…
2 answers

serverless-aws-documentation model definitions with optional fields?

I want to define request and response models. I use the Serverless Framework with AWS and everything I'm seeing recommends using serverless-aws-documentation The README says that I need to have this line in…
1 answer

Serverless Framework AWS 403 Forbidden Error with Domain Only

I am working on a serverless setup for a project and ran into a strange error. This was working fine before I had to delete my old certificates and make a new one. In short, I am following the tutorial series at for reference,…
1 answer

Serverless-framework, when does the API Gateway URL change?

I am using serverless-framework to deploy a lambda with http endpoints on AWS. This works fine and returns a API Gateway endpoint. I wanted to know under what scenarios does the endpoint URL change. I need the URL to be constant, know deleting and…
1 answer

MinimumSizeCompression is not working with serverless

I'm using the new serverless compression option using minimumCompressionSize = 1KB. Everything works fine on payloads > 1KB, yet payload <1KB are also compressed. It's like the minimumCompressionSize remains 0 whatever value I choose (See image…
0 answers

TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined

I a persistent error while using serverless framework with serverless-offline and jest unit testing module. I am trying to test my serverless function (lambda) using serverless-jest-plugin which is supposed to integrate jest on serverless. Following…
1 answer

Using serverless-tscpaths plugin with serverless-plugin-optimize gives import error with relative paths

In my serverless.yml, I use both serverless-tscpaths plugin for resolving paths defined in tsconfig and serverless-plugin-optimize for minifying and reducing the bundle size. However when the serverless-tscpaths plugin is executed all the paths…
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'fs-extra' symlink not permitted when running as administrator and with the policy added, running mklink myself works?

I'm trying to use this plugin together with serverless to bundle my dependencies using symlinks. Under the hood it uses fs.symlink from fs-extra as follows: async function link (target, f) { await fs.ensureDir(path.dirname(f)) await…
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3 answers

How to locally run my cloudflare worker serverless function, during development?

I managed to deploy my first cloudflare worker using serverless framework according to and it is working when I hit the cloud. During development, would like to be able to test on…
0 answers

Using Serverless Typescript plugin changes output structure when importing shared files

I have the following folder structure for a project running serverless-plugin-typescript: - services - common - sample-service sample-service houses the serverless.yml and all endpoints. common hosts a few…
Josh Dura
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1 answer

How pass output values between aws nested stacks in serverless?

Here is readme about serverless-plugin-nested-stacks plugin. It makes possible to include nested stacks into main one. But how to pass values between stacks? For example I create a resouce in one nested stack - how to path it arn to another stack…
3 answers

How to avoid giving `iam:CreateRole` permission when using existing S3 bucket to trigger Lambda function?

I am trying to deploy an AWS Lambda function that gets triggered when an AVRO file is written to an existing S3 bucket. My serverless.yml configuration is as follows: service: braze-lambdas provider: name: aws runtime: python3.7 region:…
0 answers

How to emulates google cloud function on local machine to speed up the development cycles?

I found a plugin: But it emulates AWS lambda. I write a HTTP function and test it, print out the second argument of the function: res: …
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serverless dynamodb enable continuous backups

How do I enable continuous backups for my DynamoDB table when using the Serverless Framework? Ideally, I would define something in serverless.yml that would enable automatic DynamoDB backups
0 answers

Serverless deployment, UnknownEndpoint: Inaccessible host

I am trying to deploy the python serverless application on AWS. I follow pretty straightforward tutorial and I do following steps: Install serverless npm install -g serverless Generate template project sls create --template aws-python3 --name…
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