Questions tagged [alexa-skills-kit]

A collection of APIs used for developing new voice-enabled capabilities for Alexa and used in the Amazon Echo and other third party devices.

The Alexa Skills Kit allows users to build new functionality for the Amazon Alexa, providing an easy-to-use voice interface to your tools and user interaction through Alexa enabled devices such as the Amazon Echo line of speakers.

1826 questions
8 answers

How do I add python libraries to an AWS lambda function for Alexa?

I was following the tutorial to create an Alexa app using Python: Python Alexa Tutorial I was able to successfully follow all the steps and get the app to work.I now want to modify the python code and use external libraries such as import requests …
5 answers

How do I define a custom slot type that isn't a list?

I'm playing around with the Alexa Skills Kit (for the Amazon Echo) and want to create a skill that would send the intent to an AWS Lambda function which would just email something back to me. Sample Utterances would be something like…
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Amazon Echo - Push a message to the device

I have integrated my amazon echo device with the amazon portal associated to my account. I was able to create my own custom question with the Alexa Skills Kit and process with an AWS Lambda function to generate a response. My question is: is it…
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Amazon Alexa: store user's words

I'm new to writing Alexa skills and want to write a skill to store the speaker's words. For example, if I say, 'Alexa, save {whatever i say}', it should save the words in some string. Now from what I understand, the intent schema something should be…
Kuldeep Ghate
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5 answers

Get location from Alexa Skills Kit (ASK)

I'm looking for a way to get the user's location, ideally longitude/latitude but address would work too, from the Alexa Skill Kit request to my custom skill. Also, I don't want to have to have the user link to an account on my app's side. Is this…
Chris Mielke
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7 answers

Alexa Skill not recognized when tested on Echo

I was doing one of the tutorials (HelloWorld) to make a skill for the Echo and I followed the directions. When I tested the skill using the Service Simulator, I typed in Alexa, tell Greeter to say hello and that returned the following JSON…
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2 answers

What is the right command to convert an mp3 file to the required codec version (MPEG version 2) and bit rate (48 kbps) for Amazon Alexa SSML?

I am trying to convert an mp3 file to the format expected by the audio tag in the Amazon Alexa SSML markup language as described here:…
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3 answers

How to accept the Free form text as input to Amazon Skill Kit?

I'm required to create a Amazon Skill Kit to open a ticket in our ticketing tool. By looking at the examples for Amazon Skill Kit, I couldn't find a way of accepting the free form text as input. Other option is by creating a custom slot with all…
4 answers

Amazon Alexa Skills Kit: How do you link with external app account / userId

In an Amazon alexa skill request there is a userId and I'm trying to understand what this is and if there is some reference for it because I want to link and Amazon Echo user account with an account in my own app and to do this I would have to have…
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3 answers

How to get an Alexa userId?

I'm building an Alexa Skill, and it requires that I store the userId of a user. I've tried to retrieve it with event.session.user.userId. However, when I call console.log(event.session.user.userId) the output is literally…
5 answers

How To Use Amazon Skill Set Without Amazon Echo Device

I am trying to integrate amazon skill kit in my website without an amazon echo unit. I want to implement voice commands on my website using the laptop/PC microphone instead of an echo unit. I have used this tutorial but I didn't find anything about…
4 answers

AWS Lambda HTTP POST Request (Node.js)

I'm relatively new to AWS lambda function and nodejs. I'm working on to try and get the list of 5 cities in a country by using HTTP POST request from this website: "" I've been…
3 answers

Simplest example for streaming audio with Alexa

I'm trying to get the new streaming audio API going. Is the following response valid? I'm getting a "there was a problem with the skill" error when I test it on my device. Here is the code for my AWS-lambda function: def lambda_handler(event,…
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6 answers

How to test the amazon alexa custom skill through your computer while in development phase?

I am trying to use the sample code provided for Amazon Alexa API, and trying to run hello world / history buff examples through the computer. How do I test from my local machine, about the request and response formats. In the README file it is given…
2 answers

How are consumed read capacity units calculated in DynamoDB query

I've seen the page on amazon and understand that 1 RCU is a 4KB item. If I have a table with 50 items, I've read that a scan will read the full 50 items and use 50 RCU. But lets say I did a query, my table is 10 by 5, will it still use 50 RCU?
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