Questions tagged [serverless-framework]

Serverless Framework – Build and maintain web, mobile and IoT applications running on AWS, Google Cloud or Azure

Serverless is the application framework for building serverless web, mobile and IoT applications. It's a command line interface that helps you build and maintain Serverless apps across teams of any size. It's completely extensible via Plugins and developed full-time by a dedicated team.

2370 questions
1 answer

RESTful URLs for multiple resource in the same miccroservice

We are developing a serverless application (AWS API Gateway, Lambda, and Dynamo) keeping users and groups in the same microservice as they are being stored in the same DynamoDB table. REST endpoints for the users look like…
0 answers

Serverless: Starting Offline: undefined/undefined

When I'm running sls offline I'm facing Serverless: Starting Offline: undefined/undefined.. What does undefined/undefined mean?
Dmitry Grinko
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Deploy allow unauthenticated GCP functions with serverless

Is there a parameter to add in serverless.yml to deploy GCP functions (Go) the same way it can be done by adding --allow-unauthenticated to gcloud deploy command? Can't find any information about this in the serverless documentation.
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Serverless command "wsgi serve" not found

I am trying to run 'sls wsgi serve' to start the server. I tried to install it with npm i serverless-wsgi and sls plugin install -n serverless-wsgi. It says Successfully installed "serverless-wsgi@latest" but after running it Serverless command…
1 answer

Serverless: Custom Lambda Function name

I'm using serverless framework for my aws lambda function. Suppose my function name is 'service1' ‘function1’ in my serverless.yml file. When i deploy it, my lambda function name becomes: ‘service1-dev-function1’. I understand dev is because default…
Shadab Faiz
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how to reference conditional variables in custom block in serverless.yaml

I am trying to deploy a serverless app that their variables depend on different environments. so far I only need to modify the customDomain in the custom block based on the environment: custom: domainName: …
1 answer

No trigger on Lambda when deploying on existing S3 bucket

I am trying to create an AWS Lambda triggered on a file upload on an existing S3 bucket using Serverless Framework. I managed to have the Lambda deployed but cannot have it triggered by upload on my existing S3 bucket. I am well aware of the…
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Best way to store json keyfile for GCP functions serverless deployment with Github actions

I use serveless & Github actions to deploy GCP functions. serveless.ylm service: serverless-test provider: name: google runtime: go113 project: my-gcp-project credentials: ./gcp_keyfile_serverless.json frameworkVersion: '2' plugins: -…
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2 answers

Terraform recreates API permissions for Lambda on each apply causing downtime (lambda module, serverless framework, VPC)

I have a Lambda created via terraform aws lambda module. It points to a versioned Lambda because I employ reserved concurrency. Also it resides in a VPC. The config looks like so: module "my-lambda" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/lambda/aws" …
1 answer

Serverless Deployment to staging domain name

I am trying to deploy an API to the domain name in AWS using Serverless Framework. I want to be able to pass in the stage as an option and deploy to that custom domain name. For example, stage dev should make I have…
1 answer

Serverless DynamoDB Resource definition error for Global Secondary Index `ProvisionedThroughput` property

I am using the serverless framework and am encountering a very strange issue with the GSI definition within my serverless.yml. When I use my original definition: resources: Resources: GPSTable: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table …
0 answers

Error while deploying NextJS app to AWS with serverless framework

When I tried to deploy my NextJS app to AWS with serverless framework. In my next JS app directory, I ran the command npx serverless and got the following error - $ npx serverless error: Error: Command failed with ENOENT: node_modules/.bin/next…
0 answers

How could I see what objects serverless deploy is working with?

After I have created a role for the Lambda function I am deploying I was able to run serverless deploy with this policy: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", …
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Lambda Layers not installing with Serverless

Currently getting the following error with MongoDB: no saslprep library specified. Passwords will not be sanitized We are using Webpack so simply installing the module doesn't work (Webpack just ignores it). I found this thread which talks about…
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2 answers

"s3:CreateBucket Access Denied" on simple serverless deploy

I am facing a permission issue trying to deploy a lambda using the Serverless framework. It actually does not work on a simple (QuickStart-given example) and I have admin privileges on AWS. So I am wondering what I might have been done wrong. In my…
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