Questions tagged [serverless-framework]

Serverless Framework – Build and maintain web, mobile and IoT applications running on AWS, Google Cloud or Azure

Serverless is the application framework for building serverless web, mobile and IoT applications. It's a command line interface that helps you build and maintain Serverless apps across teams of any size. It's completely extensible via Plugins and developed full-time by a dedicated team.

2370 questions
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How can I retrieve serverless.yml output value in aws codebuild

How can one retrieve the value of an output defined in serverless.yaml in aws codebuild script? In this scenario, I want to retrieve ApiUrl in my codebuild. Outputs: ApiUrl: Description: "The API Gateway URL" Value: …
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How to assume an IAM role created from another stack and apply it to all your functions in Serverless Framework

I want to assume an IAM role that's already been created in another serverless.yml file. It seems as if using the iam property is the only (?) way to do this for all of the iam functions at once. The source code I've encountered mainly uses…
0 answers

How to use cached AWS credentials with sls deploy command

I am caching my credentials with aws-vault but sls deploy still prompts for the MFA code. Is there a way to use the cached credentials instead of being prompted for MFA code on every deploy?
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Serverless Error ----- Invalid character in entity name Line: 0 Column: 382 Char: = while deploying lambda function in ap-south-1 region

serverless: Excluding development dependencies… Serverless: Injecting required Python packages to package… Serverless: Creating Stack… Serverless: Checking Stack create progress… CloudFormation - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack -…
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DynamoDB Error: Member must have length less than or equal to 2; Member must satisfy enum value set: [HASH, RANGE]

I'm trying to create the table shown at the bottom in DynamoDB but I get this error. I understand that you can't define more than one PK but is that also the case for GSI-PKs? How can I fix the errors? 2 validation errors detected: Value…
1 answer

How can I fix this error? I am trying to deploy stub API on AWS. I have fired sls deploy command

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'G:\scalex\Agency\node_modules' at Object.unlinkSync (fs.js:1162:3) at TypeScriptPlugin. (G:\scalex\Agency portal\node_modules\serverless-plugin-typescript\dist\src\index.js:172:24) at…
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Generate files from SSM parameters and include in Serverless Framework lambda bundle

I have some JSON stored in SSM Parameter Store that I would like to use in my Serverless Framework lambda functions (contains some details about infrastructure generated earlier by Terraform). I can make a call to SSM to get the data at runtime, but…
1 answer

Deploy a Java Google Function on Google Cloud using Serverless Framework

I’m trying to deploy a simple google Function written in Java, but something is going wrong. this is my serverless.yaml service: report-connector provider: name: google runtime: java11 region: ${opt:region} project:…
1 answer

I get bcrypt error after deployed my nodejs/expressjs app to AWS lambda

I am trying to make my express.js app works on AWS Lambda. The deployment (using serverless framework completes successfully, however the app returns a 500 internal error when I test my requests. My logs shows me this error…
John doe
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Share CORS configuration across functions in serverless.yml

We have a bunch of API endpoints set up in serverless.yml that need to support CORS. This configuration works: functions: function1: handler: api.refresh events: - http: path: function1 method: post …
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Prevent the serverless framework from uploading artifact

Im using serverless framework to try to implement AWS Step functions. I have the Lambda functions running correctly. These are packaged in a .jar and I've manually uploaded to AWS s3. I then have point to this .jar path on s3 in my serverless.yaml…
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Unable to write to cloudwatch logs despite correct permissions

Despite using correct permissions, and trying to both print, and to log to cloudwatch, I am unable to see any output. Here is my lambda handler: version 1 def handler(event, context): print('here 1') for request in event['Records']: …
2 answers

Throughput in Standard SQS vs FIFO SQS with a unique groupId for every message

I do not care much about the order of events but I would like the message to be processed exactly once. The lambda listening to SQS messages will store it in DynamoDB so throughput is pretty important as I have multiple microservices (as producers)…
1 answer

Deploying a Plotly/Dash app to AWS using Serverless Framework

I am trying to deploy a Plotly Dash app as an AWS Lambda using Serverless framework. The app works as expected locally and I can start it using serverless wsgi serve command. serverless deploy reports success. However when invoked, lambda fails with…
0 answers

getting a 400 error from an s3 presigned url

I am successfully generating a presigned url to upload an image file to s3, but when I try and send the file I get a 400 error. Here is my front-end code. const params = { name: fileName, mime: fileType, body:…
Nick Wild
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