I am trying to deploy an API to the domain name in AWS using Serverless Framework. I want to be able to pass in the stage as an option and deploy to that custom domain name. For example, stage dev should make dev-api.firstcivdivcareers.com.

I have the domain in Route53, created public certificates for the possible domains, but when I run the command I get the error below. It's either the way I am trying to use options and variables in serverless or something I am not setting up in AWS.

Still learning how to use serverless so any advice or commands I can use to debug is appreciated.


$ serverless deploy --stage dev
Serverless: Deprecation warning: Starting with next major version, API Gateway naming will be changed from "{stage}-{service}" to "{service}-{stage}".
            Set "provider.apiGateway.shouldStartNameWithService" to "true" to adapt to the new behavior now.
            More Info: https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/deprecations/#AWS_API_GATEWAY_NAME_STARTING_WITH_SERVICE
Serverless: Bundling with Webpack...
Serverless: No external modules needed
Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Installing dependencies for custom CloudFormation resources...
  Error --------------------------------------------------
  Error: Unable to fetch information about undefined
      at APIGatewayWrapper.<anonymous> (/Users/kyle/Code/firstcivdivcareers/serverless/JobPostsAPI/node_modules/serverless-domain-manager/dist/src/aws/api-gateway-wrapper.js:109:27)
      at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)
      at rejected (/Users/kyle/Code/firstcivdivcareers/serverless/JobPostsAPI/node_modules/serverless-domain-manager/dist/src/aws/api-gateway-wrapper.js:6:65)
     For debugging logs, run again after setting the "SLS_DEBUG=*" environment variable.
  Get Support --------------------------------------------
     Docs:          docs.serverless.com
     Bugs:          github.com/serverless/serverless/issues
     Issues:        forum.serverless.com
  Your Environment Information ---------------------------
     Operating System:          darwin
     Node Version:              12.18.0
     Framework Version:         2.25.2
     Plugin Version:            4.4.3
     SDK Version:               2.3.2
     Components Version:        3.7.0


service: jobpostsapi
app: firstcivdivcareers
org: kycalica

frameworkVersion: '2'

  - serverless-bundle
  - serverless-domain-manager

  customDomain: ${opt:stage}-api.firstcivdivcareers.com
  domainName: ${opt:stage}-api.firstcivdivcareers.com
  basePath: ''
  stage: ${opt:stage}
  endPointType: regional
  certificateName: '_90e79ed1be1d0eac6e388ed7c2f865d2.firstcivdivcareers.com'
  createRoute53Record: true
  enabled: true

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs12.x
  lambdaHashingVersion: 20201221

    handler: handler.payment
      - http:
          method: post
          path: '/payment'
Kyle Calica-St
  • 1,716
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  • This looks like an issue with the domain manager plugin. I'd recommend asking of the creator of that plugin specifically. – Gareth McCumskey Apr 12 '21 at 07:43
  • 1
    Also, perhaps try with a more recent version of the framework. There has been some work on the variables resolver recently that may have affected what you are trying to do and possibly fixed in later versions – Gareth McCumskey Apr 12 '21 at 07:44

1 Answers1


First try to fix the indentation in the custom section. The domainName and basePath should be under customDomain:

     domainName: ${opt:stage}-api.firstcivdivcareers.com

baseName is optional, so if you don't need it, just don't include it.