Questions tagged [server-response]

89 questions
1 answer

how do I update a collection in backbone.js from a post response?

I'm writing basically a folder browser in JavaScript, that starts at some folder on my server and every time you click a file I want the server to send me back a list of all the folders in that directory... but the problem is I can't seem to figure…
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How to have multiple IP address mapped to a single server's files

I have a dedicated linux hosting machine from godaddy. I also have purchased two website domains. Say it is and is already setup to the server. I want to get's traffic to a subfolder of but the links must…
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Create Android layout with buttons from server response

I checked around and and I can never quite find something that helps me with what I am trying to accomplish. In my Android app I want to be able to make a request to the server for some data, when that data is returned I want to populate a…
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How to determine programmatically via C# whether a site requires authentication or not?

I am on a quest to pro-grammatically determine via C# whether a website such as or a page such as requires authentication or not? I was thinking on the lines of server responses 400, 401, 402 etc but I am…
3 answers

How to export lots of wordpress posts to text document?

I need to export all posts from certain category (that contains thousands posts) to a text document. And then someone will make corrections and changes in this document, and after this I have to enter all the updated posts to WP. So I decided that…
Shimon S
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Analyse the Server response while testing an Application manually

I have an Web application which I have to measure the Performance from the Server response of that application while testing it manually in several machine. How can I do it. Do we have any tool to measure the Server Response time of a Web…
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spdy.node.js: I'm just gettin' 324 (ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE)

I just wanted to try out SPDY using the node package "node-spdy". My javascript: EDIT: Now the script includes informations about certificates. I took them from the twitlog test application. var spdy = require('spdy'), fs = require('fs'); var…
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3 answers

JSONexception while fetching JSONArray JSONObject

Getting JSON Exception while fetching json response from server.I have tried many solutions given on stackoverflow but thats not working.Below is my code for sending parameters to the sever and fetching json.Please help me guys.Any help will be…
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Apache commons tftp client, detecting not responding server

I wrote a simple TFTP client in Java, using As server for testing i use tftpd64 and while it's running, everything works fine. But when there isn't any server running, functions sendFile() and receiveFile()…
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response code always give 200

i'am tring to login into website with post method ... to right here the code is code but the response always give me 200 ... i want to know if i logged in successfully with the right username and password or not !!! ... also if i removed permitAll()…
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How to make Toast to display LogCat text?

I have an HttpPost which sends data to a server to be stored on a database. When that data is successfully stored I get a response in my LogCat that says "message has been saved successfully" (this response was defined in my PHP code). I am happy…
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Angular_returns timespan as array

How to filter TimeSpan response with Angular. This is what i get from server (JSON form of TimeSpan) {"0":"\"","1":"0","2":"2","3":":","4":"0","5":"0","6":":","7":"0","8":"0","9":"\""} The server call is public TimeSpan GetCurrentWorkhourState(int…
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How to change from one web page to another smoothly

I would like to know when we have for example 2 pages and want to change from one page to another, can we retrieve the website using Asynchronous Javascript and apply the transitions before the response is received from the server? Ill try to…
2 answers

What can delay "Time to First byte" by almost 2s?

I have enabled a PHP profiler, well magento, but it is still a profiler. This is the standard magento compiler that records all the processing including all db queries to create the page, from receiving the request. I am testing with a the php…
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