Questions tagged [server-response]

89 questions
2 answers

What exactly is the 'Waiting for response' msg on Firebug's Net tab?

As sou can see from the screenshot most of the time spent is waiting for a server response (thats the purple coloured area). What exactly is that server response time? Is the server too slow? Is my connection too slow? Can't the server process much…
Nicolas R
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3 answers

Why does Firebug show a "206 Partial Content" response on a video loading request?

I have a bunch of html5 video elements, with their preload attribute set to "auto". They start loading just fine, but I think there might be a problem with their caching, because each time I reload the page (without clearing the cache), they start…
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NSURLSessionUploadTask how to read server response

I am using NSURLSessionUploadTask to upload a file. Here are some parts of my code not complete let session:NSURLSession = NSURLSession(configuration: config, delegate: self, delegateQueue: NSOperationQueue .mainQueue()) let…
5 answers

Javascript eval (and friends)

Some claim eval is evil. Any regular HTML page may look like: That is, assuming the person doing this knows his job and leaves javascript to load at the end of the…
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Checking FTP status codes with a PHP script

I have a script that checks responses from HTTP servers using the PEAR HTTP classes. However, I've recently found that the script fails on FTP servers (and probably anything that's not HTTP or HTTPS). I tried Google, but didn't see any scripts or…
Thomas Owens
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2 answers

How can I return static files in PHP?

I use a .htaccess file to redirect all requests to the same index.php. From there, I decide what to do depending on URL of the incoming request. For now, I map the request URL to directory structure relative to a source folder, so that…
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1 answer

Reduce TTFB on PHP empty file

I have trouble reducing TTFB on PHP. Even when file is empty it needs about 100ms. It doesn't matter .php or .html, both need the same time. I have a decent server on HETZNER, server is not loaded and shoudn't have any problem. Can it be problem…
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1 answer

Simple node.js server to return success or error

This is should be pretty simple, but I can't seem to get it to work as I intended. I just want a client submit a form with an email address, and node.js server looks up db and return success or error after querying for the submitted email address.…
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1 answer

Handle null server response cases

I'm calling an endpoint to GET a list of objects from the server. Using Retrofit2.0 + RxJava for the api calls. The server has made it in such a way that when there are no items in the list, instead of returning an empty list, it returns null with…
1 answer

Is it possible to find out server response time and client rendering time using Fiddler?

Hope you are fine, I rarely use Fiddler for my web calls. Now I have tuned some queries in my application. So I would like to test my server response time and client rendering time using Fiddler. Is that option available in Fiddler? If yes, can…
2 answers

Issue with NSURLConnection and server response

I am uses NSURLConnection to download files.(Basically I use JGDownload Accelerator) My issue is when I try to download files at one particular server, response provided by server is vary and gives me different header responses like below Printing…
The iOSDev
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3 answers

Server response time is too long (ASP.NET MVC), how to find which operation is consuming so long time?

For some reasons my server response time is 18 seconds for one of the pages in my ASP.NET MVC application. How can I check which operation is taking that long? I want to know in what point of the application lifecycle the time is being wasted. Is…
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1 answer

How to localize server-side responses on the client side in iphone programming?

I am using Chinese in my app. I have made a Localizable.string file in English and one in Chinese. I am doing it OK, and everything is working fine, but there are some string responses from the server. How can I convert them? For example, "Account…
Chatar Veer Suthar
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2 answers

How to get the status after using HttpServletResponse.setStatus

I have a Http Upload Servlet (http-post) and a user can upload an XML file along with some form fields. I have put on some validation checks to see if there was a bad request (eg. null value). So I used the following code chunk to perform…
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3 answers

How to get body as String from ServerResponse for test?

Say we have an instance of o.s.w.reactive.function.server.ServerResponse. What is the proper way to fetch the contents of its body, in other words how to implement fetchBodyAsString function? test(){ ServerResponse response =…
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