

My name is Evangelos Kolimitras and I come from a small city in the middle of Greece called Volos.

As a developer, I consider my self a self-taught one. I was never forced to learn any of these topics. I did it because I liked it! I never had any academic involvement with any of the topics referred under the IT umbrella thought I managed like many other fellow developers in the wild to become part of this great community of extraordinary skillful and talented people. I am always improving and overcoming any future issues!

I will provide you some core skills I have as a developer but for more information you could just check my other social profiles and most important my work.

Lately, I've been working on the MERN stack. In my profile you can find further information about the technologies I've been working on and some of them "mastered".

Last but not least, do not hesitate to contact me for any advice, help, or even a comment on a specific subject (negative ones are also accepted).
