Questions tagged [server-response]

89 questions
1 answer

HTTP request denied ( 3xx 4xx responses )

i ve decieded to ask this question after reading HTTP 1.1 usage. i don't get why i cannot access even . its giving 3xx to 4xx(nearly all errors) error everytime. i ve tried every combination of these GET HOST CONNECT thingys in…
Yakup Türkan
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server first byte time or (Improve server response time)

Im running a wordpress site on amazon EC2 (m1.medium) . Im using CDN serve files and using W3C total cache to increase performance ( i cannot use page cache because im serving dynamic content and using PHP sessions. I am using mod_deflate to keep…
lior r
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Receiving extra info from server response

HI I am sending a username to my php file located on the server to check if the username exists in my database. If it does I want to send back a response which contains only "False", or else it will send back "True". Here is my php…
Ameya Savale
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3 answers

Is there an easy way to parse this text & xml server response with PHP?

I'm using PHP and since this server response is not pure XML I've been struggling with trying to turn the responses into variables/arrays for use. I'm only concerned with the variable contained in the XML tree. There can be multiple containers…
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Handle Server Response in Android

In my application I am fetching data using webservices.But when the server is down or not in active state it gives response code 500 and my application force close. Please guide me how to handle this condition in my application.The logcat output is…
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How to and what responce Client expected from server

My server program in vb6 successfully getting data from client ( Biochemistry analyser operating software). Data came is in duplicates i.e same data again send by client this happen when client give error. " LIS responce timed out". So I think when…
0 answers

Spring file download with non-reactive ServerResponse

I am building a Spring Boot app to do file downloads based on an url request. For a variety of reasons, I have to use the old web mvc apis (not the reactive apis). I also used the RouterFunction…
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How can I set server request timeout to 30 seconds limit in local for ruby on rails application?

I'm debugging a issue for production. Where the request takes more than 30s and it fails. I'm trying to reproduce the issue on my local machine. How can I set the request timeout to 30s in local. Working on Ruby on Rails Application with puma.
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Huge Server Response Time (12s) after Wordpress Posts Import (~ 1000 Posts)

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask a question here that is not related to coding per se? I'm trying still though, maybe someone can give me a tipp. I'm running an EC2 t3.medium machine for a "simple" wordpress blog - literally a blog with no other…
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Java Reactive: keep getting stuck inside a bodyToMono function

I have to log a response from a ClientResponse, I wrote this function: protected Mono logResponse(ContextService ctx,ClientResponse resp, String method){ return resp.bodyToMono(String.class) .map(responseBody ->…
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Handling REST API server response

I've been working with REST API CodeIgniter for more than a year and usually when I want to return any response I will return 200 for all kind of request. I know that there are status code provided for all response but I am actually quite wondering,…
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PyQt5 - QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor for server respons content

For developing my browser application, I have installed a QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor, so I can filter the URLs being reuquested. I would like to now be able to have a similar thing but for the server response content ie a theoretical…
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Why is my server response so high (First Byte Time)?

One of my websites has suddenly become extremely slow in server response - currently 41859 ms First Byte Time. Already talked to hosting provider, but they did not notice any changes or problems with the server. So I am lost on what is the problem.…
1 answer

Why I am Not receiving proper respond after giving request to server through parameter(ID) in RESTAPI using NODEJS & EXPRESSJS

Node module named dishRouter.js implements the Express router for the /dishes/:dishId REST API endpoint. index.js const express = require('express'); const http = require('http'); const morgan = require('morgan'); const hostname = 'localhost'; const…
0 answers

Node.js: How to find out contents of a 400 bad request?

I'm building a server with Node.js. For several reasons, I can't fire valid requests from client side (using an app or Postman). But I can log out data on the server side. Currently, one route is buggy and returns "Error 400: bad request"s. How can…
J. Hesters
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