Questions tagged [server-push]

Server push describes a style of Internet-based communication where the request for a given transaction is initiated by the publisher or central server.

Push services are often based on information preferences expressed in advance. This is called a publish/subscribe model.

A client might "subscribe" to various information "channels". Whenever new content is available on one of those channels, the server would push that information out to the user.

E.g. APPLE Push notifications or Android Push notifications.

340 questions
4 answers

Multiuser editing in a complicated page using server push

I'm using Zend Framework for an application called Pricetag, and we're thinking of adding support for real-time multi-user editing. Basically the idea is, in each of 4 steps, to be able to share what you're editing with other online users (much like…
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5 answers

Rails 3: Real-time server push?

I'm trying to write a Rails 3 application in which a server can push data to multiple clients in real time. I've heard of Juggernaut, but I've also heard that it does not work with Rails 3. I tried APE (AJAX Push Engine), but I'm not having much…
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2 answers

Why is Golang http.ResponseWriter execution being delayed?

I am trying to send a page response as soon as request is received, then process something, but I found the response does not get sent out "first" even though it is first in code sequence.In real life I have a page for uploading a excel sheet which…
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3 answers

What is the WebSockets alternative in the HTTP/2 world?

The new HTTP/2 protocol comes with some promising features. Some of them: Multiplexing - a single TCP connection can be used to make multiple HTTP/2 requests and receive multiple responses (to a single origin) HTTP/2 Server Push - sending server…
Nikola Obreshkov
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1 answer

How do I set multiple http header fields with the same key in Node.js?

I'm trying to set up server push with cloudflare, but they require multiple link header fields to push multiple files. However, I can't find any documented way to include multiple header fields with the same key in node.js. I tried providing an…
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Jetty HTTP/2 client receive server push example

Jetty's HTTP/2 client with server push support has been implemented in Jetty 9.3 RC (Link). However, I have not found any documentation or example code related to this. Could any one provide an example code for example to receive the pushed resource…
Hải Phong
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3 answers

EventSource permanent auto reconnection

I am using JavaScript EventSource in my project front-end. Sometimes, the connection between the browser and the server fails or the server crashes. In these cases, EventSource tries to reconnect after 3 seconds, as described in the documentation.…
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2 answers

Client side Callback in GWT

I'm trying to create a logger for a GWT application as an exercise to evaluate GWT. What I specifically want to do is have it so that I can post messages to a client side label at any point from the server side. So, if some interesting stuff has…
Henry B
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8 answers

Implementing Server Push

Read about Server push here. I want to push data to client from my web application in real time. I was looking at TCP sockets as one of the options. For HTTP I found a variety of frameworks for Java, PHP, Python and others over here. However I don't…
Kevin Boyd
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2 answers

Reverse AJAX? Can data changes be 'PUSHED' to script?

I have noticed that some of my ajax-heavy sites (ones I visit, not ones I have built), have certain auto-refresh features. For example, in GMail, if I get a new message, I see the new message without a page reload. It's the same with the Facebook…
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3 answers

Alternative Server Push/ Comet implementation for Android browser without sending 4KB messages?

I am developing a web application that uses Comet Hidden iFrame technique to push data from server to mobile browser. Everything works fine on Mobile Safari but Android is a lot more painful. It seems to require 4 KB messages to be sent from the…
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1 answer

Which module for Nginx is the best for HTTP PUSH?

On nginx website they are two module for HTTP PUSH. Here they are: and Wich one is better? Have you used one of them? Which one do you prefer? Thanks in advance.
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3 answers

Compatibility of Comet with current technology

I hear that I can use Comet as a server push technology along with my Ajax code to increase the performance of my web applications. How mature this Comet technology? Is it supported by all web servers, programming languages and browsers? What are…
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2 answers

Can ASP.NET MVC's AsyncController be used to service large number of concurrent hanging requests (long poll)?

Frameworks like Node.js, Tornado, and Twisted let developers create server-push applications that supports large number of concurrent hanging requests (10k+). From what I understand, they all achieve this by not creating threads to service each…
David H
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1 answer

How to implement receiving a server push in OkHttp?

Following the question Does OkHttp support HTTP/2 server push?, are there any examples available on how receiving pushed content on the client side could be implemented? How will the interaction of OkHttpClient, Request, Response and Http2Connection…
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