Questions tagged [server-side]

The term "server-side" refers to the portion of an application run on a server. The counterpart of "server-side" is "client-side", meaning the part of an application running locally on the user's own machine, such as in a Web browser.

Server-side refers to operations that are performed by the server in a client–server relationship in computer networking.

Typically, a server is a computer program, such as a web server, that runs on a remote server, reachable from a user's local computer or workstation. Operations may be performed server-side because they require access to information or functionality that is not available on the client, or require typical behavior that is unreliable when it is done .

Server-side operations also include processing and storage of data from a client to a server, which can be viewed by a group of clients. Advantage: This lightens the work of your client. This also protects your SAMP server from crackers.

Examples of server-side processing include the creation & adaptation of a database using MySQL.

There are many and techniques used commonly to write scripts or apps on the server-side such as the following:

2494 questions
4 answers

What is the difference between client-side and server-side programming?

I have this code: Why does this not write "bar" into my text file,…
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7 answers

Do copyright dates need to be updated?

Every now and then I see a web site that has an old copyright date. In my mind, I always think "Look at the sucker who forgot to update his copyright year!" Then, while I was hard-coding a copyright year into the site I'm currently designing, it…
James Jones
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12 answers

Send message to specific client with and node.js

I'm working with and node.js and until now it seems pretty good, but I don't know how to send a message from the server to an specific client, something like this: client.send(message, receiverSessionId) But neither the .send() nor the…
Rodolfo Palma
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4 answers

Why and when to use Node.js?

Possible Duplicate: How to decide when to use Node.js? Sorry if I'm a bit ambiguous, but I'm trying to understand the real advantages of using Node.js instead of other server-side language. I'm a JavaScript enthusiast, so I'm probably going to…
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11 answers

Using Excel OleDb to get sheet names IN SHEET ORDER

I'm using OleDb to read from an excel workbook with many sheets. I need to read the sheet names, but I need them in the order they are defined in the spreadsheet; so If I have a file that looks like…
Steve Cooper
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6 answers

How do I parse a HTML page with Node.js

I need to parse (server side) big amounts of HTML pages. We all agree that regexp is not the way to go here. It seems to me that javascript is the native way of parsing a HTML page, but that assumption relies on the server side code having all the…
Itay Moav -Malimovka
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15 answers

How to detect server-side whether cookies are disabled

How can I detect on the server (server-side) whether cookies in the browser are disabled? Is it possible? Detailed explanation: I am processing an HTTP request on the server. I want to set a cookie via the Set-Cookie header. I need to know at that…
Oleksandr Yanovets
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5 answers

Understanding Heroku server status 143

I'm wondering about Heroku server status and can't find any documentation about this topic. Example: Process exited with status 143 Can anyone explain this example? And where would I find resources for future reference?
Tien Nguyen
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12 answers

When and how do you use server side JavaScript?

Occasionally I search for some JavaScript help and I come upon the term "Server-side JavaScript". When would you use JavaScript server-side? And how? My experiences of JavaScript have been in the browser. Is there a compiled version of JS?
Johnno Nolan
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12 answers

Meteor: Debug on server side

Does anyone know a good method to debug server side code? I tried enable Node.js debug then use node-inspector but it does not show any of my code. I end up using console.log but this is very inefficient. Update: I found the following procedure…
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7 answers

AngularJS client MVC pattern?

Until now I was mainly using Struts 2, Spring, JQuery technology stack for building web applications. The point is, that mentioned stack uses server side MVC pattern. The main role of web browsers was limited to a request/response cycle (+ client…
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3 answers

When to use "client-side routing" or "server-side routing"?

I'm a little bit confused about this, and I feel slightly stupid asking this question, but I want to understand it. So, say I'm working with a client side web framework, like Backbone, Angular or Durandal. This framework includes routing. But I of…
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4 answers

Use in_app or latest_receipt_info for getting latest receipt for auto-renewable iOS 7 style transactions?

I am trying to verifying that an auto-renewable In App purchase has not expired server side (not on a device). I am using Apple's Grand Unified Receipt (iOS 7 style transactions). The response returned by Apple contains in_app and…
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2 answers

Server-Sent Events vs Polling

Is there a big difference (in terms of performance, browser implementation availability, server load etc) between HTML5 SSEs and straight up Ajax polling? From the server side, it seems like an EventSource is just hitting the specified page every ~3…
9 answers

Pagination: Server Side or Client Side?

What is it best to handle pagination? Server side or doing it dynamically using javascript? I'm working on a project which is heavy on the ajax and pulling in data dynamically, so I've been working on a javascript pagination system that uses the dom…
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