Questions tagged [server-push]

Server push describes a style of Internet-based communication where the request for a given transaction is initiated by the publisher or central server.

Push services are often based on information preferences expressed in advance. This is called a publish/subscribe model.

A client might "subscribe" to various information "channels". Whenever new content is available on one of those channels, the server would push that information out to the user.

E.g. APPLE Push notifications or Android Push notifications.

340 questions
1 answer

Server throwing OutOfMemory Exception when reading byte array from TCP connection

I'm still working on my push server! I have successfully implemented encryption using javax.crypto.cipher. This requires I read/write bytes to the socket's stream. I can send and receive just fine. Encryption works. But when there's nothing going…
Osmium USA
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1 answer

A "native container"-"device management server" pair to push Html5 apps

We have multiple customers and each customer would have multiple apps. One more thing is that users would have different apps (workflow apps, chart apps, administration apps, etc.) assigned by their roles. And these customers would prefer installing…
Ali Ok
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2 answers

How HTTP streaming is different from Comet for server push?

I want to implement Server Push in my Java web application. HTTP Streaming is that I can open a connection with the client and its always open and sends data whenever server gets it. 1. But how is this different from Comet? 2. I want to use server…
1 answer

Implement server push in Java application

I have a standalone application in Java which reads data through IPC. Now I want that when the data is read, the Java application pushes the data to the clients on browsers. Can this be achieved? I am a new bee to this, however I think yes it is…
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What is the correct way to wait for a client response in java?

First off, if you helped me solve my problem with reading an undefined length HTTP response, I'd like to thank you. I took your advice and switched from HTTP responses to raw Java sockets. But I'm having a little problem with this too. The nature of…
Osmium USA
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1 answer

Can't publish in cometd channel

I'm getting this error when I try to publish a string in a channel: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.cometd.client.BayeuxClient$BayeuxClientChannel.publish(Ljava/lang/Object;)V this is the code that is trying to publish: public class…
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Server for iOS Push Notifications

I'm trying to figure out how to create a push notification server for a twitter app. I'd like to be able to set up push notification for mentions, stars, follows, etc etc. This is all possible with the API, as Tweetbot does it. If someone could…
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1 answer

How server push approach to browser is supported and role of websockets in that?

I had a use case where i was planning to poll from browser to server to check any updates for a given customer.Then i thought of exploring push approach where webserver(in my case tomcat) can do it automatically whenever servlet running on…
M Sach
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1 answer

How Pokein Works and how can it Scale

I am searching for a WebSockets solution for my ASP.NET 4.5 website project that I will develop for both web and as mobile application using HTML5 technologies. I need a solution that will allow me to push messages from the server to the client.…
Idan Shechter
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1 answer

Provide data for gwteventservice from different service

I am trying to push data from my services to the browser with gwteventservice, but I am not able to do it from a different service then from Here is the situtation: I have service that reads data from…
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2 answers

server-push with RESTful web service using jersey

I have a web server using RESTful jersey, it works but I need to server-push sometimes. How can server push in jersey with Java?
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jQuery comet push, without comet server

I want to do is PUSH through jQuery when my mongodb adds an entry. I saw a lot of jQuery plugins out there, but they do LONG POLLING not PUSH. I am very keen to know how this is happening here (if you will open two different windows and try to chat…
Swati Sharma
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3 answers

android, automatic push update data for apps

I want to push new data to the apps on user's device after a couple of days, like news update service. It's NOT APK update. Where do I get some clues to start with? tks in advance (sorry if this question is dumb, but why can't I search for it on…
EyeQ Tech
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1 answer

Server Sent Event to update collection in Emberjs application on Java EE/jetty

The application has a widget where the list of items keep changing based on some events on the server side. The server has to push these changes to the browser. The application uses emberjs as javascript mvc framework and I have managed to…
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1 answer

Server push using websocket in netty

I want to implement basic server push mechanism using websockets in netty ( not a chat application). Can anyone provide some pointers and example...
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