Questions tagged [satellite]

A natural or artificial object orbiting near a bigger object (typically a planet)

202 questions
2 answers

Get all the supported Cultures from a satellite assembly

I am using a satellite assembly to hold all the localization resources in a C# application. What I need to do is create a menu in the GUI with all the available languages that exists for the application. Is there any way to get information…
1 answer

Rectangular Coordinates for Earth Satellites in PyEphem

I have searched through a large number of PyEphem webpages, downloaded code, and investigated objects, but I have not found a way to get the earth-centered rectangular coordinates of an earth satellite in some nominally inertial coordinate system.…
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showing property lines in Google Maps with Hybrid or Satellite view

Google maps will show property lines if you're sufficiently zoomed in and looking at the map view (in certain areas). But switching it to either hybrid or satellite view clears all the property lines. Is there a way to create a map that will still…
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Maps for China - which is correct, Satellite or default street map ? does that mean geocoding results are wrong?

So it is known that the maps, either the regular street map or the satellite map, does not line up correctly in specific parts of China. So which map lines up correctly, the satellite map or the default street map? Some sites suggest that the…
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Python satellite tracking with spg4, pyephem - positions not matching

I'm trying to write a basic python scrip that will track a given satellite, defined with tle's, from a given location. I'm not a asto/orbital person but am trying to become smarter on it. I am running into a problem where the different models I'm…
2 answers

Web Services Available to get the number of satellites visible to a given coordinates

Hi I want to know is there any web services or URLs available to get the number of visible satellites by passing longitudes and latitudes. I tried searching but could find a service to use as a desktop application. I want to use this service without…
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GPS number of satellites and location filtering

Based on the available Location fields, the float accuracy seems the main field to determine how good a GPS location is, without taking into account the timestamp. I wonder if it may also be helpful to parse the number of satellites from the NMEA…
Mister Smith
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(Satellite on orbit) - Create the tangent cone from point to sphere

I am trying to draw a cone, connected to the sphere in Matlab. I have the point [x1,y1,z1] outside of the sphere [x2,y2,z2] with R radius and I want it to be the top of the cone, created out of tangents. On this pictures you can see what I have in…
1 answer

Skyfield visible area underneath EarthSatellite

How would I calculate the area below an EarthSatellite so that I can plot the swath of land covered as the satellite passes over? Is there anything in Skyfield that would facilitate that? Edit: Just thought I'd clarify what I mean by area below the…
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How to plot the field of view of an Earth-Observation satellite when close to the poles using basemap?

I am trying to draw the maximum (theoretical) field of view of a satellite along its orbit. I am using Basemap, on which I want to plot different positions along the orbit (with scatter), and I would like to add the whole field of view using the…
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draw satellite covarage zone on equirectangular projection

I need to draw borders of the observation zone of satellite on equirectangular projection. I found this formulas (1) and figure: sin(fi) = cos(alpha) * sin(fiSat) – sin(alpha) * sin (Beta) * cos (fiSat); sin(lambda) = (cos(alpha) * cos(fiSat) *…
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How do I convert TLE information to longitude latitude and altitude to display on a Bing Map?

I am using the OrbitTools library to develop a satellite tracking system using the Bing Maps Silverlight control similar to I am not knowledgeable in this domain and lack a lot of the information related to satellite tracking…
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how to do i get the status of satellites i.e. alive or dead while flight is in air

I'm just planning to build small app in Android which checks the status of satellite i.e. alive or dead. In airplane cabin, crew member can use internet from the mulitple Wireless Access Point which are connected to Satellite modem. The satellite…
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PyEphem - Error next_pass()

trying to calculate is the time that a satellite rises above the horizon of an observer (TO), the time the satellite reaches the maximum elevation above the horizon (TCA) and the time a satellite passes below the observer's horizon (LOS) in a…
1 answer

Is it normal to get more than 20 visible Gps.Satellites in Android?

I'm writing a short activity to get the GPS Satellite Data. I know there are max. 32 GPS Satellites up there and 24 of them are actives. At a time at my location (Berlin-Germany) I should only see max. 12 GPS satellites. When I test my application…
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