Questions tagged [distortion]

329 questions
6 answers

CSS image scaling to fit within area not distort

Is there a way with CSS or otherwise of making an image fit within an area. Lets say I have multiple images of different sizes and I want them all to fit within a div of 150px by 100px. I don't want to scale the images though as some may be tall and…
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9 answers

How do I stop a CSS layout from distorting when zooming in/out?

I've set up a very basic site with a #container div that includes the #navbar and #content. However, when I zoom in or out, the #navbar distorts, if I zoom in the links get pushed down below each other instead of being inline. If I zoom out, too…
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4 answers

Formulas for Barrel/Pincushion distortion

Can't understand how to get (x', y') of original (x, y) in image, for Barrel/Pincushion distortion.
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1 answer

How to implement Drag Distortion Image filter in android?

I am working on custom image filter project. And I came across one challenging task, in which I am supposed to apply distorted filters as can be seen in Funny face effect app. I want to develop first 3 filters as available in Funny Face Effects. So…
Malik Motani
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1 answer

android audio distortion on square waveform

I found that my smartphone (android 4.2.2) is not able to generate square waveforms (i need it to use the audio output as serial line for data transfer). At beginning i supposed it was my application, but then i made many significant tests. These…
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6 answers

Re-distort points with camera intrinsics/extrinsics

Given a set of 2D points, how can I apply the opposite of undistortPoints? I have the camera intrinsics and distCoeffs and would like to (for example) create a square, and distort it as if the camera had viewed it through the lens. I have found a…
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3 answers

Correct barrel distortion in OpenCV manually, without chessboard image

I get images from a camera where it is not possible to take a chessboard picture and calculate the correction matrix using OpenCV. Up to now I corrected the images using imagemagick convert with the option '-distort Barrel "0.0 0.0 -0.035 1.1"'…
Michael Hecht
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7 answers

Opencv: distort back

I have the cameraMatrix and the distCoeff needed to undistort an image or a vector of points. Now I'd like to distort them back. Is it possible with Opencv? I remember I read something about it in stackoverflow but cannot find now. EDIT: I found the…
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2 answers

HOW TO use Homography to transform pictures in OpenCV?

I've two pictures (A and B) slightly distorted one from the other, where there are translation, rotation and scale differences between them (for example, these pictures:) Ssoooooooo what I need is to apply a kind of transformation in pic B so it…
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4 answers

Fisheye/Wide-Angle lens Calibration in OpenCV

I know the default OpenCV Calibration systems model a Pinhole camera, but I'm working with a system using extremely wide FOV lens (187-degrees). If there any existing way to do this in OpenCV, or to work with just wide lenses? Or will I have to…
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3 answers

Opengl perspective distortion

I'm having this weird issue and I'm hoping someone could clear this up for me so I can understand what's wrong and act accordingly. In OpenGL (fixed-function) I'm rendering a tube with inner faces in an orthographic projection. The image below shows…
Will Kru
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2 answers

Is there a camera calibration matrix database?

Is there a free-access database containing camera calibration parameters (camera matrices, intrinsic and extrinsic parameters) for the most popular devices? I'm particularly interested in mobile-phone cameras or tablets with fixed focal length more…
1 answer

How to implement image distortion effects in Android

I want to implement distortion effects on image in Android. I did the same in iOS(iPhone and iPad) by using GPUImage framework. Is there any framework or library available in Android to do the same. I want to implement following distortion effects…
Sanchit Paurush
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5 answers

How to simulate fisheye lens effect by openCV?

I am looking for ways to create fisheye lens effect, looked at documentations for openCV, it looks like it contains Camera Calibration functions for radial distortions like fisheye. Is it possible to simulate fisheye distortion by openCV? If it is…
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5 answers

How to distort an image to any quadrangle?

Do any of you have an idea, how to distort an image in any quadrangle? I want to implement an image, which you can pull any corner in any direction, distorting the image. Anyone has an idea how to do that? I use and write stuff in android for a…
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