Questions tagged [], an open-source web server/client chat application, featuring livechat, video conference, screensharing, file uploads, role-based permissions, native apps, and much more, licensed under MIT; Use this tag for questions regarding deployment, configuration, maintenance, architecture or general coding help. For questions about general use, not development or programming, use

Rocket.Chat is an MIT licensed open-source chat application developed in , meaning it runs on a backend, backed by a database. Its features include (but are not limited to) live chat, video conference, screensharing, file uploads, role-based permissions, native apps, internationalized UI, rich media, notifications, integrations to hubot and webhooks, full-text and regex search within history, several text decorators such as markdown, KaTeX, emojis and much more. Rocket.Chat currently supports importing data from Slack and Hipchat.

Rocket.Chat can be deployed in a multitude of environments, such as:

Tag Usage

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  • How do I?
  • I got this error, why?

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Mention which browser the code is having problems on, and what error messages, if any, were thrown by the browser (use the Developer Tools for your browser to see these messages). If the question is browser-specific, use tags , , , , etc.

If the problem is a server issue, please include the log output. If you can't see anything relevant in the server log, make sure the output setting is set to 2 - Errors, Information and Debug in Rocket.Chat's Administration > Logs > Log Level.

If you think you found a security issue, please email the details to Rocket.Chat’s security team at before posting it to StackOverflow or any other issue tracker. Our security team will respond to confirm receipt of your message, review and plan the mitigation of the issue appropriately, as well as set a timeline for a new release or patch and will also make sure you are given credit for the discovery. Please follow these guidelines when reporting security issues.

Here are some suggested things to include, when applicable, which may help us troubleshoot a problem:

  • Operating System / Version / Architecture (64 bit?)
  • Browser type & Version (if web app), any browser add-ons which may be involved (e.g. AdBlocker, NoScript, etc.)
  • Desktop Environment (if desktop app) / Version
  • Rocket.Chat edition / Version or build number
  • Relevant snippets from your error logs
278 questions
1 answer

Admin user fails in rocketchat

I have been running rocketchat on a cloud instance. I have used the parameters specified on the below document in rocketchat for creating admin user through docker-compose in yaml…
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Rocket.Chat WebHook with Typescript

im about to write a complex Incoming WebHook for Rocket.Chat. To avoid a mess in one single file i took Typescript. Rocket.Chat requires a class named Script with some predefined methods like process_incoming_request (one simple example:…
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Auto login Rocket.Chat with LDAP

I am integrating Rocket.Chat into my system that share user account through LDAP database. We created a shortcut to go Rocket.Chat from our system, when user click to this shortcut, our system will open Rocket.Chat page with url type:…
0 answers

RocketChat API - Impersonate users for getting the list of unread messages of each one

Hi, all. I need to retrieve the list of unread channel messages for each user in order to create a graph for internal use in my company. Looks like there is no "impersonate" feature available via the API. Gitlab says this discussion will be moved…
Nico Jones
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3 answers

Rocket Chat Realtime API in browser

I want to create a Rocket Chat client to subscribe to a channel through browser using Realtime API. Documentation here does not provide step by step procedure. Please let me know how to achieve it. Links to any documentation would be very helpful.
Nandan Acharya
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How to get unread message via rest api in

Hello I have used this for get unread message via rest API. Example…
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How to get unread message via rest api in without providing a date?

I'm trying to get the number of unread messages. This answer provided an answer by adding a date to the rest endpoint. This seems fine but requires you to store a date somewhere which can ofcourse be deleted. However, the rocktchat webclient seems…
Robin Dijkhof
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How to add role to a user after private message to Hubot with password

I would like to add a new role for a user, when he is able to give the right password to Hubot. Here is the script i have for now : module.exports = (robot) -> robot.respond /PasswOrd (.*)/, (res) -> paSS = res.match[1] if paSS is "1234" …
bob dylan
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3 answers

Rocket.Chat - How get roomId

I am new in work with Rocket.Chat. I need send message to channel. I already get authorization. When I read documentation about send message I found roomId parameter, but I don't know how get this ID. I try found in administration panel on…
0 answers

How to set a file path or a symlink path for rocketchat(meteor) app running in ubuntu

I am new to node.js, meteor. I am working with analyzing an app (Rocket Chat) which was build using meteor. I am trying to setup rocket chat app demo with localhost. So I just download app source code from…
0 answers

Rocket Chat Hubot Adapter is not replying back

Hi i am running hubot with rocket chat. I have created another user "mybot" having bot role and used it and got connected successfully. Below are my environment variables export ROCKETCHAT_ROOM='' export LISTEN_ON_ALL_PUBLIC=true export…
jitendra rajput
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0 answers

difference between the deprecated Java SDK and current Kotlin SDK for using Rocket chat in Android app

what is the difference between the deprecated Java SDK and current Kotlin SDK for using Rocket chat in Android app? If we use the Java SDK now, which are the functionalities that are unavailable or has problems? I want to use it for an android…
0 answers

Rocket.Chat REST API authentication when using "iframe auth"

I'm using the Rocket.Chat REST API for some automated user management. This was working great after I installed Rocket.Chat and my admin user had a username/password combo. Then, I activated the "iframe authentication" system in the admin panel.…
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1 answer

How to enable HTTPS for rocketchat in docker container

Recently, I've installed the using docker containers (rocketchat, mongo_db and hubot) but now I would like to enable the HTTPS (SSL) to securize the chat since will be accesible from internet. Do anyone knows how to setup the SSL files…
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2 answers

Rocket Chat - Login via Rest API

I'm attempting to login to my Rocket Chat install using the REST API. The login call comes back successful and I receive the AuthToken and userID. But I can not seem to bypass the login screen. In other words what I want to do is use my app to…
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