Questions tagged [], an open-source web server/client chat application, featuring livechat, video conference, screensharing, file uploads, role-based permissions, native apps, and much more, licensed under MIT; Use this tag for questions regarding deployment, configuration, maintenance, architecture or general coding help. For questions about general use, not development or programming, use

Rocket.Chat is an MIT licensed open-source chat application developed in , meaning it runs on a backend, backed by a database. Its features include (but are not limited to) live chat, video conference, screensharing, file uploads, role-based permissions, native apps, internationalized UI, rich media, notifications, integrations to hubot and webhooks, full-text and regex search within history, several text decorators such as markdown, KaTeX, emojis and much more. Rocket.Chat currently supports importing data from Slack and Hipchat.

Rocket.Chat can be deployed in a multitude of environments, such as:

Tag Usage

These are the types of question you should be using StackOverflow for:

  • How do I?
  • I got this error, why?

If you are sure it's a bug or you have an awesome idea on how to improve Rocket.Chat, please open an issue in GitHub. If you need to discuss why a feature is not implemented or when it will be, please join us on our Demo Server and look for these channels: #support, #dev, #contributors.

Asking questions

Please refer to the Asking section of StackOverflow before asking questions.

Mention which browser the code is having problems on, and what error messages, if any, were thrown by the browser (use the Developer Tools for your browser to see these messages). If the question is browser-specific, use tags , , , , etc.

If the problem is a server issue, please include the log output. If you can't see anything relevant in the server log, make sure the output setting is set to 2 - Errors, Information and Debug in Rocket.Chat's Administration > Logs > Log Level.

If you think you found a security issue, please email the details to Rocket.Chat’s security team at before posting it to StackOverflow or any other issue tracker. Our security team will respond to confirm receipt of your message, review and plan the mitigation of the issue appropriately, as well as set a timeline for a new release or patch and will also make sure you are given credit for the discovery. Please follow these guidelines when reporting security issues.

Here are some suggested things to include, when applicable, which may help us troubleshoot a problem:

  • Operating System / Version / Architecture (64 bit?)
  • Browser type & Version (if web app), any browser add-ons which may be involved (e.g. AdBlocker, NoScript, etc.)
  • Desktop Environment (if desktop app) / Version
  • Rocket.Chat edition / Version or build number
  • Relevant snippets from your error logs
278 questions
4 answers

Change default port 3000 on Rocket.Chat installed using Snap

I have installed the Awsome Rocket.Chat on Ubuntu 16.04 using Snap, however i can no figure out how to change the server from running on http://DOMAIN:3000 to simply http://DOMAIN .. Thanks
S. Bech
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How to install Rocket Chat to server via SSH?

I'm interested in setting up Rocket chat on my Arvixe shared hosting server, so i can modify it by programming it into the chat system i need. I know the ideal way to setup this web app is via SSH, which is what i am interested in. My issue is, i…
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2 answers

Rocketchat Installation Wizard Hangs

I'm trying to use rocketchat with docker compose but the wizard is stuck at the first stage. Steps I took mkdir /tmp/rocketchat curl -L -o…
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RocketChat Livechat standalone preact app- Couldn't render livechat in browser

I cloned the project Rocket.Chat.Livechat to run as standalone, installed dependncies ,while I do yarn dev , and it shows that , Local: http://somehost:someport On Your Network: http://somehost:someport Then in my browser when I try…
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1 answer

Trying to install RocketChat on AWS, made some mistake

docker config as the site ask us to do. services: rocketchat: image: command: > bash -c "for i in `seq 1 30`; do node main.js && s=$$? && break || s=$$?; echo \"Tried…
1 answer

Problem showing data from incoming webhook | Taiga --> Rocketchat

I'm trying to generate alerts based on notifications from Taiga project management software (when a user creates a project for example). These alerts will arrive to a specific channel. For this I am using the incoming Rocketchat…
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Failed to load config from', [TypeError: Network request failed

i am trying to connect jitsi meet server but i am getting this error Failed to load config from', [TypeError: Network request failed] i install and jitsi in local server and want to connect my…
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1 answer

Docker Rocket chat Rest api upload file error 413 Entity too large

I am using rocket chat rest API, every thing works good, but when i upload file to rocket chat rest api, it shows error 413 Request Entity Too Large, but when i upload file from website it uploaded any size of fie. After checking all scenario, I…
Faraz Ahmed
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Rocket Chat - File uploading stacks at 0%

I'am trying to upload file into a channel. But nothing works. File uploadings stacks at 0% and not progress more. Steps to reproduce: Open any channel. Upload any file or files. Click submit button. Expected behavior: File completely uploaded and…
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1 answer

Rocket.Chat can not receive SMS texts from Twilio. (Twilio's Debugger: HTTP retrieval failure)

(This has been solved please read at the bottom for what fixed the issue.) I am having trouble receiving Twilio's SMS texts from Rocket.Chat's LiveChat In the admin panel on I put in the correct Twilio's "ACCOUNT SID" and "AUTH TOKEN" I…
S To
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0 answers

How to integrate into Ionic 3 mobile app using iFrame?

We have our own server and is already embedded in our app via iframe but I need to get the user_id from our server during login and be saved in our mobile app's DB. So I went to's documentation:…
0 answers

MongoDB refuses to backup

I have a MongoDB instance inside a docker container to run some local services and use mongodump to perform backups. Recently this backup process, and applications running on top, have broken because MongoDB no longer thinks its the master. I need…
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Accessing meteor shell in rocketchat which is installed by snap

I have a rocketchat server, and I have installed it with snap. Now I need to run some commands using meteor shell but I don't know how to access it !
razieh babaee
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1 answer

automated login for rocketchat user within iframe embedded in an angular 6 component

I am attempting to login users automatically into my rocketchat server via my angular 6 application/component ( where users are already required to login). Does anyone have any experience directly manipulating the mongodb to login a user with…
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0 answers

RocketChat: Sending valid JSON for Oauth but getting "Username field "" not found in data" response

I'm setting a custom Oauth login for RocketChat with the following settings: URL: Token Path: /oauth2/access_token/ Token sent via: Header Identify token sent via: Same as "token sent via" Identity path:…
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