Questions tagged [qlpreviewcontroller]

A QLPreviewController, or Quick Look preview controller, provides a specialized view for previewing a file on the iOS platform.

A QLPreviewController, or Quick Look preview controller, provides a specialized view for previewing a file on the (4.0+) platform. The Quick Look framework supports the following file types:

  • documents
  • Microsoft Office documents (Office ‘97 and newer)
  • Rich Text Format (RTF) documents
  • PDF files
  • Images
  • Text files whose uniform type identifier () conforms to the public.text type
  • Comma-separated value (CSV) files

You can refer to the Apple documentation for more information.

259 questions
5 answers

QLPreviewController remove or add UIBarButtonItems

I have seen this kind of question a lot on the internet but it seems no one really knows the answer? I am using QLPreviewController for displaying PDF documents. I first used a UIWebView but I was recommended to use QLPreviewController instead for…
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9 answers

Quicklook/QLPreviewController shows a blank page instead of pdf on ios 8 but works fine on iOS7

I am trying to preview pdf file in QLPreviewController and using the below code. It works fine on iOS7 and for other type of files (JPG/PNG) on iOS8 as well but when I try to open pdf it shows blank page instead content on iOS8. Its weird that it…
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2 answers

How to add QLPreviewController as Subview in objective C

Is it possible to add QLPreviewController to UIView as sub view. I tried like this [self.view addSubview:previewViewController.view] I also called reloadData [previewViewController reloadData]; I check with this URL Adding QLPreviewController…
Naga Harish M
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1 answer

UIDocumentInteractionController vs QLPreviewController on iOS

Can anyone who has used both comment on "What's the difference, and when should you use one over the other?" I have spent the last couple days adapting code from the DocInteraction sample to my own app, and the more familiar I become with these two…
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2 answers

iOS: Issue with lightning in USDZ file

I am trying to show an AR content with QLPreviewController. Everything works fine except the lighting. If I preview the file using Xcode or macOS's quick look the lighting is natural, but when I preview it using QLPreviewController the object is too…
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4 answers

QLPreviewController not working in iOS 6

In iOS 6 the QLPreviewController no longer loads a PDF from a URL. It works fine in iOS 5. I have implemented the QLPreviewControllerDataSource methods as documented here. #pragma mark - QLPreviewControllerDataSource -…
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5 answers

Custom navigationItem button with QLPreviewController in iOS6

my goal is to use QLPreviewController in my iPad application for iOS6, using my custom Action item button in the top toolbar. I had solution until iOS5.1. I used a class that extends QLPreviewController and during component lifecycle I did something…
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5 answers

How to customize the color of the navigation bar in qlpreviewcontroller

Can I customize the color of the navigation bar in the QlPreviewController controller? I have tried following [[UINavigationBar appearanceWhenContainedIn: [QLPreviewController class], nil] setBarTintColor: [UIColor redColor]]; but it does not…
8 answers

How to Disable QLPreviewController print Button

Can anyone tell me how to remove the QLPreviewController print button? Also would like to disable cut/paste/copy.
1 answer

blank QLPreviewController in iOS application

I am trying to display a file using QLPreviewController. The QL view displays correctly (is pushed on top of my Navigation Controller) but the content is blank. However, no errors are displayed and application doesn't crash. Checks on existence of…
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1 answer

Quicklook/QLPreviewController delegate methods are not calling in iOS 10 Xcode 8

Currently I am testing my current version in iOS10. I am using Xcode 8 beta 6 for testing. Here Quicklook/QLPreviewController delegate methods are not calling. This code set had been worked with XCode 7 and iOS 9.3 versions. I checked this issue in…
4 answers

3D Touch Peek View Will not slide up for action

I have a table view. On 3D Touch I preview a pdf in a QLPreviewController. The peek and the pop work as intended. For some reason I cannot get the preview controller view to slide up and show my action items. I am returning a valid array of…
Dean Davids
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1 answer

Status Bar appears in QLPreviewController after toolbar reappers

Status bar is initially hidden in Info.plist with "Status bar is initially hidden" set to YES and "View controller-based status bar appearance" set to NO. But when I present a QlPreviewController, after two taps to document to make toolbar disappear…
0 answers

Change default zoom in QLPreviewController

I am using a QLPreviewController to display PDF files, each page of which is a spread of a magazine. The default zoom of the QLPreview is to fill the screen by width. In portrait mode, the front and back cover, as single-pages, fill the screen, and…
3 answers

iOS 6 UIGestures (Swipe) stops working with QLPreviewController

In iOS 6 beta 4 and iOS 5.1.1 I have had left/right swipes allowing users to swipe between different QLPreviewControllers, hosted in a UIViewController. In the released version of iOS 6 the swipes are now completely ignored. Attempted to put a…
Ben Whiting
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