Questions tagged [navigationcontroller]

A Controller in a MVC (Model View Controller) pattern provides the execution flow of the application. NavigationController is about this flow.

A Controller in a MVC (Model View Controller) pattern provides the execution flow of the application. NagigationController is about this flow in a technology that can apply the MVC pattern.

490 questions
20 answers

iPhone UINavigation Issue - nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar

I keep getting the following errors: 2011-04-02 14:55:23.350 AppName[42430:207] nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar 2011-04-02 14:55:23.352 AppName[42430:207] nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation…
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7 answers

iOS how to remove back button?

I have an application with a navigation bar that pushes to a login screen view controller and then pushes to a main menu. Is there any way I can remove the back button off the main menu, so the user is unable to go back to the login screen?…
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9 answers

How to use shared element transitions in Navigation Controller

I would like to add a shared elements transition using the navigation architecture components, when navigating to an other fragment. But I have no idea how. Also in the documentations there is nothing about it. Can someone help me?
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Custom navigation bar

I was crawling Dribble and found the attached design. I was wondering how to do a custom navigation bar like this. I mean how create the navigation bar once and reuse it implicitly for every view controllers. I was thinking about having a kind of…
2 answers

iOS storyboard passing data navigationViewController

I have problem with proper passing data between view's but not in standard way. Picture describing my problem: I performSegueWithIdentifier with one of two segue identifiers and then in I want to pass data to ViewController called "Firmy" or…
2 answers

Android Unresolved reference: findNavController error

I am using Kotlin and have all references added in my project. // Navigation implementation "android.arch.navigation:navigation-common-ktx:$rootProject.nav_version" implementation…
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2 answers

Consequences of Bad Programming: dismissViewController vs popViewController

I understand the difference between dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: and popViewControllerAnimated:, as described on Stack Overflow and here: -dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: method is used to dismiss an UIViewController, which…
Emin Israfil iOS
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8 answers

Xcode 4.2 creating navigation based application

I just tried to create navigation based application via xcode 4.2 and all I found in the new window have nothing to do with navigation based application .. I found page based application which is the nearest thing to the navigation based…
Mohamed Emad Hegab
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3 answers

Accessing a Top Navigation Controller from a Subview Navigation Controller

I have a my views and controllers set up like so. A Tab/Bar controller Within 1. is a root view controller within 2. is a programmatically created navigation controller, that is displayed as a subview in the root view controller. What I am trying…
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4 answers

How to check if navigation controller is pushed or is a root view controller?

I want to check if the view controller i am in is root view controller or is pushed on some navigation controller.
Bhumi Goklani
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2 answers

Swift: How do I get access to the navigationController in AppDelegate

I have added a NavigationController in the StoryBoard and made it the initial viewController. How do I get access to the NavigationController in the appDelegate. Ctrl-drag from navigationController to AppDelegate does not create an outlet.
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3 answers

self.navigationController is null

in my viewcontroller,I have a button,when press the button,entry the navigationController,my code like: -(IBAction)ShangHaiButtonPressed:(id)sender{ marketviewcontroller = [[MarketViewController alloc]initWithNibName:@"MarketViewController"…
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5 answers

How can I remove a view from navigation controller

I want to call a new view controller and remove the current view controller from the navigation controller stack. For example. I am in view controller A and I call B. Now I have in the stack A , B. Now I want to call C (from B). I want the stack to…
5 answers

presentViewController transition animation

In my code I am using presentViewController to call my second viewcontroller [self presentViewController:secondController animated:YES completion:nil]; When I call I need to show left to right animation (like in navigationController) I don't want…
5 answers

How to customize the color of the navigation bar in qlpreviewcontroller

Can I customize the color of the navigation bar in the QlPreviewController controller? I have tried following [[UINavigationBar appearanceWhenContainedIn: [QLPreviewController class], nil] setBarTintColor: [UIColor redColor]]; but it does not…
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