Questions tagged [popviewcontrolleranimated]

62 questions
7 answers

Navigation controller popViewControllerAnimated : yes is not working as expected

I am using following line of code: [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; But it is not behaving in ios 7 as it doing in ios 6.Some times it does not pop controller while we are pressing back button 2- 3 times in…
1 answer

how to prevent keyboard from dismissing while using popViewController custom transition

To provide the interaction pop gesture in full view, i have a UIPanGestureRecognizer in my controller with which we can swipe from left to right any where in the view controller to pop the controller, instead of using the default…
1 answer

Button tint changes color when using popViewControllerAnimated

In View #1 I have two controls that are set in the storyboard; one is a UIBarButtonItem in the nav bar, the other is a UISegmentedController. The former is a custom-drawn image, and both items have their tint set to a purple color (tint set in the…
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4 answers

Dismiss and Pop a view controller

I want to go back two levels on my view controller stack. I have three segues in this order: Show, Show, Present Modally. There is a navigation controller in use. From my 4th view I want to go back to the 2nd view. I have tried using …
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2 answers

why does my tableview not call didselectrowatindexpath until 2nd touch?

I have a parent table view with custom rows, each one pushes a view controller with a tableview of selectable options that are stored as properties of the parent view controller. My code: - (void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView…
1 answer

iOS8 UISplitViewController: How to switch to master view in compact width window?

My root view controller is an UISplitViewController, which has a UITableViewController as master view controller. On iPhone (compact width), it looks like a UINavigationController. Tap a cell to show detail view controller Tapping the trash button…
3 answers

Pop view controller after dismiss

I have a navigation controller A on which i push the view controller B. From B i present modally the view controller C. I need to dismiss C and pop B at the same time. I would like to that in sequence, keeping the dismiss animation first and then…
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What could be causing a tableView's contentSize to be reset

I'm stuck. I have a slightly complicated hierarchy of views. One UITabBarController to rule three UINavigationControllers. In each NavigationController I has a root UITableViewController that spaws others of its kind. All are subclassed. Everything…
Shawn Throop
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2 answers

Pop to initial view controller

I am currently writing an app that uses embedded navigationControllers. I need to pop to the initial view of the first view controller from within the embedded one. This line of code just returns me to the initial view of the embedded…
1 answer

viewController's dealloc don't be called when called navigationController popViewControllerAnimated

I have a MyViewController, it's based on UIViewController, and I used it like the following code: MyViewController *nextViewController = [[MyViewController alloc] init]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:nextViewController…
3 answers

Back to the previous view in UINavigationViewController is not animated when pressed on the back button

UITabBarController is the root in may application. The root of each tab is different UINavigationViewController on which I am pushing UITableViewController's. The problem is that when I press on the back button the navigation bar animates, but the…
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4 answers

My retainCount is increasing?

am trying here to build rss reader , the problem that when user finish read artical and press back the dealloc don't called and i got retainCount 6 & some times 7 !! i have lots of customized panels when back button pressed the view is poped and…
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1 answer

show tab bar on pop using hidesBottomBarWhenPushed

I want to show tab bar only on parent controllers not on any of the child. I'm doing this on push: childViewController?.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true self.navigationController?.pushViewController(childViewController!, animated: true) Now, when I…
2 answers

popViewControllerAnimated changes UINavigationBar's UIColor

I have a 'Back' UIBarButtonItem as you can see in the 4th ViewController The Back button is connected to an IBAction: - (IBAction)backClicked:(UIBarButtonItem *)sender { [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; } But when I…
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4 answers

Intermediate view controller briefly shows after dismissing modal view then popping view controller

I have a table view controller, A, which does a push segue to a view controller, B. B then does a modal segue to a view controller C. I have a button on C which needs to result in the dismissal of C (which is modal as stated) and ALSO the popping of…
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