Questions tagged [popviewcontrolleranimated]

62 questions
1 answer

UIViewController won't pop

so I have two view controllers setup like this in the interface builder: [initial view] -- [signup view]. Initial view pushes to signup view via segue when a button is pressed. I have a back button on the signup view controller. When this is pressed…
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Pop SWRevealViewController

I'm using SWRevealViewController to build a sliding menu. Before accessing the menu, a login view is displayed to allow the user login. Now i want to let the user disconnect and display the login view again. My question is how to pop the…
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Swift: Buggy Navigation Bar Behavior With popViewControllerAnimated

I want to use a push segue to edit an "entry" that is otherwise added via a present modally segue. It doesn't dismiss using the normal dismissViewControllerAnimated method when pressing cancel. Because of this I had to combine the…
Nathan McKaskle
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How to go back to previous view in IOS?

I get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error message in my AppDelegate.m program when I attempt to goback to the previous view controller by popping the current view controller off the stack. The error obviously means that the viewcontroller is not in the stack. …
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iOS 8 : popViewControllerAnimated & popToRootViewControllerAnimated not workring

I am getting one error in iOS 8 in Xcode 6. Just here is the scenario. XCode 6 create new Project "Master-Detail Application" Now I have doing just in detail add one button and in its click event view to Pop Master view but it's not…
1 answer

xcode, how to destroy/release/dismiss previous controller/scene after popviewcontrolleranimated

i had 2 scene, "List Scene" and "Details Scene". After Click the Item on "List Scene", it will go to "Details Scene". In the "Details Scene", i had some animation, anime the Image keep repeat move from left to right or right to left. After i go back…
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popViewControllerAnimated: doesn't want to animate

I'm implementing a kind of cascading menu. In my storyboard, I've got a UINavigationController which have a UIViewController as root view controller (let say it is a MyViewController). MyViewController has a storyboard ID : "Menu". As this…
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Does the method popViewControllerAnimated: act different than the Back button of the NavigationController?

In my Application i have a container ViewController which is the RootView of an UINavigationController. I transit between various Child ViewControllers through a segmentedControl in the Toolbar of the UINavigationController. One of the Child views…
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after dismissing viewController, popViewController won't work

I have stucked in scenario: look at this picture: I have soundPlayerVC as childeViewController of pageContentVC. soundPlayerVC Present mail modalViewController: - (IBAction)emailStory:(id)sender { if ([MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail]) { …
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UIViewController in a UINavigationController not calling delegate method

In my Storyboard, I am using a UINavigationController with a navigation bar to present a view controller. This view controller, ViewController2, is pushed to the stack by tapping a UIBarButtonItem that I placed in the navigation bar. I made this…
3 answers

Delegation not working properly (should tell a VC to popViewControllerAnimated)

I am using a simple protocol to tell a delegate when save button was tapped on VC2 so the view controller can be dismissed by popViewControllerAnimated by VC1. VC2 has a protocol which VC1 confirms to. VC2.h #import @class…
1 answer

Back button appears on popViewControllerAnimated:YES

I am making an app in which I created custom navigation bar - MyNavigationBar (extends UIView): MyNavigationBar.xib : MyNavigationBar.m : +(id)navigationBar{ MyNavigationBar * bar = (MyNavigationBar *) [[[NSBundle mainBundle]…
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Which UIViewController called popViewControllerAnimated:?

Lets say I have 3 UIViewControllers A, B, C. Now lets say I call B or C from A. Not with segues, but with instantiating them in code and pushing them to the navigationController. After B or C are done, they call popViewControllerAnimated: and…
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iOS: viewWillDisappear not getting called on popViewControllerAnimated from another View Controller

I'm relatively new to iOS development and I have an issue with popping view controllers. I need to pop two (or more) UIViewControllers from the navigation stack when back button is pressed. Since I don't want them all to be animated I'm first…
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3 answers

popViewControllerAnimated animation is not working

I know this is kind of repetitive question in SO, but I'm still unable to figure it out. The animation is not working when the app goes to background and then comes back up. The first time the app launchs I'm able to get the push/pop animation…