Questions tagged [password-generator]

A password generator is a system or program that creates random passwords to be used to secure other systems.

62 questions
7 answers

Need a secure password generator recommendation

Can anybody recommend a secure password generator available under a Apache or LGPL licence for Java?
Brian Matthews
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1 answer

mvn --encrypt-master-password : Good practice for choosing ? Which level of privacy should it be?

I am learning to use maven password encryption capabilities and I would like to know how to choose the parameter . There are two things that I don't understand: 1) mvn --encrypt-master-password foobar will always give a different encrypted…
13 answers

Human Readable GUID

I'm writing a small system that will allow me to sell my band's music at gigs by generating vouchers that can be redeemed for MP3s at our website. The vouchers will need a code that the user types in. The code needs to have the following…
James Orr
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1 answer

How does mvn --encrypt-master-password work?

I would like to know the algorithm or technique used by this command (mvn --encrypt-master-password ). Each time I run it produces a different output. I'm assuming that it takes system time as a seed parameter.
3 answers

Secure Password Generation With Random Chars

I am trying to generate a random password that contains special chars using ruby. I would like to know if there is a standard for generating such passwords. I have considered using a weighted probability distribution and assigning weights such that…
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2 answers

Human speakable password generator in JavaScript

I am in the process of developing a script that generates human-speakable strings for use in passwords. I am only concerned with English-sounding phrases. So far I have come up with the notion of different arrays: vowels =…
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7 answers

perl rand lc/uc

I'm trying to get random lower case/upper case in my 42 chars password. Somehow I instead get: ucclcjuczlclucmlc0lcdlc5lc0ucdlccucmucquc5ucslc4lckucxuctlcvlcquclucpuc0ucvlczucducauczlcauc7lciucmlcplcjucolchucmucpuc9lcilcqlck Here is my code: @a =…
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3 answers

generating a 8 character password including lower case and upper case and numbers using python

i want generate password including lower case and upper case and numbers using python but it should guarantee that all these 3 kinds has been used. so far i wrote this but it does not guarantee that all 3 kinds of characters are being used. i want…
4 answers

Why does my Password generation code not work as expected?

I want to generate a unique password each time. I am using this code for generating the password. import java.util.Random; public class PasswordGenerator { public static String generatePassword() { Random r[] = new Random[8]; …
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3 answers

JavaScript IF statement and While loop not working properly

Okay now I have been able to solve the Length problem by adding the length property to the while loop. However, when i generate the noSpecialCharacter(), it gives me NaN in front of the generated password. this is the function: const…
1 answer

Having a problem where not all of user input criteria is included in password

First time posting. Very new to javascript. I have a project where I have to create a random password generator. I have managed to get it working but my problem is the following. Say for example the user picks a password length of 8 characters long…
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1 answer

Trying to create a Password Generator that can save passwords

I have created the baseline of the program, and it works well, but I want it to be able to save the password generations, and store them under an index name in SQLite. I want it to be so that I can always access the previously generated…
1 answer

JavaScript Password Generator Numerical Problem

i've just start a coding boot camp and for our third assignment we had to code a Random Password Generator with a few user preferences. i wrote my code and everything work apart from one bit. When the user only chooses to have numerical values an…
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1 answer

Python trying to randomly select the value from list within a list results in the TypeError: list expected at most 1 argument, got 4

I tried to search a lot but could not find proper resolution hence posting here. I am new to Python and I am trying to create a simple password generator application which is of 8 characters and should consist of 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 special…
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2 answers

Generate all possible well ordered string permutations

I was asked this question at a job interview. I have been thinking about it yet couldn't find a solution. Here is the problem: You know that a password is consisted of only letters and well ordered which means that characters in the password are in…
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