Questions tagged [password-generator]

A password generator is a system or program that creates random passwords to be used to secure other systems.

62 questions
1 answer

How to run script with a function? (repeatedly)

I have a Python program where a function imports another script and runs it. But the script gets run only the first time the function is called. def Open_Generator(event): import PasswordGenerator Any tips? *The function is called using a…
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How to create a Password Generator with PBKDF2 and reappearing password when same password asked

I really need help with this code. Would be really appreciated to get this running. Don't mind these comments, I made them in german. I have to put in a password (like water), that will be encrypted into a password which I should set the length of.…
1 answer

Using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() to seed mt_rand()

I'm trying to build a simple password generating function using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes and want to know if it is cryptographically strong. function randomPassword($length = 12) { mt_srand( hexdec( bin2hex( openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(256) )…
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Javascript password generator adding spaces and failing tests

I'm trying to build a password generator which creates passwords conforming to: Minimum 8 characters in length, Maximum 40 characters in length Must contain at least 1 uppercase, lowercase, number and symbol I'm avoiding Math.random out of…
1 answer

Password Generator Error (Android)

I dont know why I cant generate a custom password. public void GeneratePass(View view) { EditText TextField = (EditText)findViewById(; int DigitsNum = Integer.parseInt(TextField.getText().toString()); if (DigitsNum !=…
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6 answers

Custom length unique password in java

Possible Duplicate: Creating a unique alphanumeric 10-character string I need to generate unique random passwords. So I thought of doing something like MD5(counter+a_random_string+timeInMills) but this has a 32 chars output. I need a 8 chars…
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Python Password Generator with TKInter

I am coding a password generator with an interface for school and I can't seem to find out where to put the password generator piece in my program. import random from tkinter import * characters = "abcdefABCDEF1234!@#$" length = 8 window =…
0 answers

ImportError: cannot import name 'PasswordGenerator' from 'password_generator'

ImportError: cannot import name 'PasswordGenerator' from 'password_generator' i found this error in my python project. i installed PasswordGenerator in administrative command prompt how to resolve it
2 answers

How do you shuffle a dictionary with list of strings as values such that no key is adjacent?

# Create a function to generate a random, 8-character password. # It should satisfy the following requirements: # 1) There should be exactly two characters from each of the following categories: # - Uppercase letters # - Lowercase letters # -…
Ridhwaan Shakeel
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1 answer

Why is my computer generated code undefined?

In JavaScript I am making a random password generator, where the user can choose the size (8 to 128 characters) and four parameters (if they want to include: numbers, capital and/or lowercase letters, and special characters). I have made a large…
0 answers

Generating Random Password with numerous arrays using JavaScript

I am having trouble trying to work out how to complete my random password generator. Hopefully someone can give me some advice? var upperCase = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'] var lowerCase = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'] var…
1 answer

Python Size problem in password generator

This is a password generator. Can some one tell what size is doing in this code? Is it important or can I remove it? import string import random def pw_gen(size = 10, chars=string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation): return…
0 answers

Create a function generates random password in SQL

I want to create a function which generates a random password for given length. It should generate at least 8 length password which includes at least 2 number, 3 letter, 3 special character like for example: a8b*4/c1+ I found some code and mixed it…
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3 answers

Building a password algorithm, with password hashing

Questions/Problem I am attempting to make a password generator that will hash the password after displayed to the user and stores it in a file that it makes the first time it is ran. I am not sure how to go about doing this or how to do this. I…
0 answers

How to generate a password using settings?

I have one setting where I have put how my password should be generate. "password": { "enabled": true|false, "pattern": "column_1|character_length:int|position:any of (start (default),…
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