Questions tagged [password-generator]

A password generator is a system or program that creates random passwords to be used to secure other systems.

62 questions
1 answer

Random Password Generator (ASCII - AP Computer Science) Java

so my online AP Comp Sci teacher isn't responding to me and I'm running into problems with my program. I need to create a random password generator according to user input from this list: System.out.println("※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ | Password…
2 answers

Password generator in cmd batch

I'm trying to create a simple password generator using batch. I know it would be much easier if I try using a real language but I need it to be in cmd batch. I need it to generate a 10-digit password that includes a minimum of 1 lowercase letter, 1…
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2 answers

Python 2.7 Control Flow

I'm currently have a little problem: I'm making a "command" for my bot, a little password generator, currently, I already have the command itself, it'll go like this if Command.lower() == '!pwgen' #First message, the user calls the command length =…
alga tronic
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1 answer

Generate two random symbols for mysql password in bash

Hi I have a bash script I wrote for my plesk installation. It triggers when a new subscription is created and does the following: Generates a password in a given format using two random symbols Creates the db in plesk via cli Downloads and unpacks…
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1 answer

Can a pam module modify the password typed by the user before it is seen by other modules?

Background: I have written a password generator that works as follows: Generate 130 random bits Interpret random bits as 26 elements of GF(32) Use the elements as coefficients to construct a 25th degree polynomium Evaluate the polynomium for all 32…
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4 answers

Generate a random string of specified length that contains only specified characters (in Java)

Does anybody know of a good way to generate a random String of specified length and characters in Java. For example 'length' could be 5 and 'possibleChars' could be 'a,b,c,1,2,3,!'. So c!a1b is valid BUT cba16 is not. I could try to write something…
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1 answer

Javascript Password Generator - Broken Code

Hey guys I have been working on a student project which is build a random password generator I have completed the code to the best of my ability doing lots of looking into youtube videos and with teachers' notes I can not seem to get it to print the…
2 answers

How can I make random letters, numbers or symbols in 1 or more lists not have quote-symbols around them

I'm trying to make a random password generator in Python 3. I managed to finnish the project, but i ran into a problem during completion: Instead of my programme just typing out the password, it displays the letters one after another in quotes,…
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2 answers

"man" can't find man page after installing Crunch Wordlist Generator on Fedora 25

[root@unknowna08cfd77f899 crunch-3.6]# ls charset.lst COPYING crunch crunch.1 crunch.c Makefile unicode_test.lst [root@unknowna08cfd77f899 crunch-3.6]# make make: Nothing to be done for 'all'. [root@unknowna08cfd77f899…
1 answer

Password gen and input doesnt work

I tried to make a random password gen, and then you had to input the random password which had to be exactly the same, but the problem is, that it will always say: Passwords didn't match. So even if the paswords match, it still doesnt work... If I…
Esli Stavenga
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3 answers

Faulty Random Password Generator (Python 3)

I am beginning to learn Python and started experimenting with an example code block. I edited it a few times, and on the last edit that I did, I added an optional random password generator. Then I decided that it would make more sense to put the…
Ben Klemp
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2 answers

How to get percentage of combinations computed?

I have this password generator, which comute combination with length of 2 to 6 characters from a list containing small letters, capital letters and numbers (without 0) - together 61 characters. All I need is to show percentage (with a step of 5) of…
1 answer

Computer Generated Password

I'm looking for help on a code I'm working on. The instructions are: Passwords must be a minimum of 12 characters and require both upper and lower case letters, at least one number and one special characters. Program must ask the person the…
1 answer

Generating Passwords in Java with symbols, numbers, alphabets(both upper and lower case)

How Can I generate random String(password) which should contain both upper and lowercase letters, Numbers and special symbols with the length of 6 in java My code below : package pw; import; import…
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1 answer

Random password generator python

When i run the following code and i open the file called pwd.txt it shows the same password in all the 100 lines import string from random import * characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits password = "".join(choice(characters) for x in…