Questions tagged [pagerslidingtabstrip]

Interactive paging indicator widget, compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library.

enter image description here

230 questions
1 answer

Flickering page tab strip when setting view pager current item

I have an infinitely scrolling ViewPager. To accomplish this, I have 5 items (0,1,2,3,4). When at rest, I am always at tab 2. After onPageScrollStateChanged returns to SCROLL_STATE_IDLE, I update the data source to put the current item in position 2…
Sean Kladek
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1 answer

Add Profile Photo and User Name in Slider using Navigation Drawer

I am using Navigation Drawer Pager Sliding Tab Strip. It is showing menus in Slider. Now, I want to add Profile Photo and User Name in Slider. I have tried adding LinearLayout but It is giving ClassCastException. Source :…
Jeeten Parmar
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Proper Fragment Transaction with Fragments defined by XML, and not Fragments defined Programmatically

I have two fragments, each fragment contains a view pager, where I currently am using this library in order to use different colored tabs for my view pager. Now I have an action bar action that when clicked basically leads to fragment2. But when I…
2 answers

Remove extra space in Tab

I'm using PagerSlidingTabStrip for my tabs. How do I make my tabs fit to screen width? This is the screenshot, I want to remove the extra space. EDIT: Layout file
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Android PagerSlidingTabStrip and Fragment

I tried to implement PagerSlidingTabStrip in Fragment in place FragmentActivity, but unsuccessful. Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks.
1 answer

android : change tab and pager with button event in pager slidding tab strip

i use pager sliding tab strip in my app , i want to change tab and pager with button event how can i do that ? i use this code but it`s not work public class CheckoutMethod_Fragment extends Fragment { private static final String ARG_POSITION =…
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Gradle does not import PagerSlidingTabStrip

I am trying to use PagerSlidingTabStrip ( in my Android project. I have added to my build.gradle the dependency, like the others libraries I use in the project (Gson, Volley...). All of these libraries…
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1 answer

Android PagerSlidingTabStrip tabs and webview

I downloaded Pager Sliding Tab Strip sample from GitHub. I want to create a WebView. For example tap Home to bring me to my homepage and tap Top Paid to go to my Forum?Sorry for my newbie question but i am new to this :). Thanks public class…
1 answer

DrawerLayout + ViewPager when cached

I have made ​​the app in this way: I'm trying to implement a DrawerLayout with ViewPager. Selecting an item from DrawerLayout, enters the method getItem() and according to the position selected calls a Fragment or another. In this Fragment, the…
1 answer

How to create individual background for PagerSlidingTabStrip?

I am using PagerSlidingTabStrip and I am trying to make some custom view for it. How can I achieve the rounded selected state background like below in the screenshot?
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3 answers

how handle click in a first tab in PagerSlidingTabStrip

I have a PagerSlidingTabStrip and need to do something special only in case of a click on first tab in PagerSlidingTabStrip. This code has to be run even if the first tab is visible. I do not need pageChangeListener as it will be triggered only when…
peeyush pathak
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1 answer

Add icon+text in PagerSlidingTab

I implemented Astuetz' PagerSlidingTabStrip for Text as Tab. But I want to have both icons and text. I understand from this link that Astuetz' can have either text or iocn. Can I have any custom layout for this? Also I want the tabs to start from…
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How can I inflate my child fragments into activity?

I want to implement SlidingTabs with view pager. I followed the steps specified in this link. There is only one difference in my situation. I am using fragment instead of activity. So in this situation I want to inflate child fragments when user…
2 answers

Fragment Content not shown after back navigation

I have a fragment that has a sliding tab layout and a view pager with 5 tabs. I start on tab 1, then, i push a different fragment to the back stack, replacing the fragment with the tabs. When, i now navigate back, the fragment with the tabs appears,…
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1 answer

Send data between different Fragments of different Activities

People, I'm trying to send data from a clicked item in a ListView (which is loaded into a Fragment of MainActivity, which in turn has a SlidingTabLayout structure) to load details in another Fragment, which is loaded in ItemActivity (which also has…
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