Questions tagged [viewpagerindicator]

ViewPagerIndicator is a set of Android Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock.

When using the ViewPager widget to allow horizontal swiping, it is not always obvious to the user that there are adjacent views they can navigate to.

ViewPagerIndicator allows you to provide a visible onscreen indicator that there exists additional content.

Check out for more details.

493 questions
10 answers

Android ViewPager with bottom dots

I want to add 3 bottom dots to my ViewPager, like this. I use FragmentActivity and support library ViewPager.
19 answers

Using ViewPagerIndicator library with Android Studio and Gradle

I'm trying to use Jake Wharton's ViewPagerIndicator library, but I'm unable to get it working with my Gradle project in Android Studio. I add it as a dependency like so: dependencies { // ... other ommitted compile…
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5 answers

Add ViewPagerIndicator to Android Studio

i'm trying to get Jake Wharton's ViewPagerIndicator working with Android Studio but unfortunately it won't work. I downloaded the .aar file from here and included it in my libs folder. I referenced it like this: compile…
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7 answers

Android view pager with page indicator

I need to get page indicator in the view pager file with images. Here is my code. public class IndicatorActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle…
2 answers

Give text of selected tab a different color using ViewPagerIndicator

I've tried to let the SampleTabsStyled demo from the ViewPagerIndicator change the color of the text of the currently selected tab without success. However, the SampleTitlesStyledTheme demo does change its text color when switching between…
Bart Kiers
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4 answers

Failed to find style vpiCirclePageIndicatorStyle

I wanted to have viewpageindicator in my project, but am having trouble importing it. I've got errors in my XML. Missing styles. Is the correct theme chosen for this layout? Use the Theme combo box above the layout to choose a different layout, or…
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3 answers

Default Style Fails for ViewPagerIndicator's TabPageIndicator. Why and How to Fix?

Instead of explaining the issue, much easier if I just show you: As you can see the tab titles are all mashed together and entirely unstyled. They function correctly in that swiping through switches tabs (though there's no visible indication except…
Michael Plotke
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1 answer

Insert pages in the middle of a FragmentPageAdapter

I'm using a ViewPager from ViewPageIndicator and I need to be able to dynamically insert one fragment in the middle of others. I've tried to manage the model with FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter (both from v4 support code) and the…
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2 answers

Highlight or underline selected TabPageIndicator

I have a dualpane on a tablet-sized landscape layout and I'm using fragments. On the left I have a fragment with a listview. When a click occurs on one of the item list the right fragment loads the detail. In the layout of the right (detail)…
4 answers

android: RecyclerView inside a ScrollView

I have a RecyclerView wrapped in a LinearLayout and it works perfectly as expected. I can see all the data in the RecyclerView as populated. So far so good. When I wrap the LinearLayout in a ScrollView, the RecyclerView goes blank. I do not see…
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2 answers

Circle pager indicator doesn't look round

I am using the Sherlock pager indicator and the circles in the pager don't look round enough(I have tried different colors and you can still see they are not round). Here is the style I have been using for the CircleIndicator
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1 answer

Nesting tabs in Android 4 with support library (ActionBarSherlock)

I'm having serious problems getting three layers of nested tabs to work in an app that runs from Android 2.1 up and looks like Android 4 (uses support library fragments). The goal App should have an ActionBar (works, currenly uses…
2 answers

Viewpager Relex Circle indicator Color

The default color of the viewpager indicator is white. In relex viewpager indicator in github, it doesn't include on how to change the color of the indicator. Is it possible?
Charles Galvez
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1 answer

Can't add ViewPagerIndicator to app with Gradle

i am trying to add Jack Whartons ViewPagerIndicator library to my app as i want to use the circle indicator for the viewpager i have. However i am having trouble adding it to my app. i have followed…
1 answer

Viewpager+FragmentpagerAdapet+Fragments+Listview = insanely slow app

I have a viewpager in my layout , that viewpager holds a set of 10 fragments . Each fragment has a list view , which is asynchronously populated . I m currently using FragmentPagerAdapter as adapter for the viewpager and the API calls to populate…
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