Questions tagged [pagerslidingtabstrip]

Interactive paging indicator widget, compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library.

enter image description here

230 questions
1 answer

Strange issue with Material PagerSlidingTabStrip, FragmentPagerAdapter, and BackStack management

I am creating Scrollable Tabs per the Material Design guidelines, but I run into a strange issue when I switched from a PagerAdapter to a FragmentPagerAdapter. This issue only occurs after I have navigated to my tab fragment, hit back, then…
1 answer

Not able to import PagerSlidingTabStrip as library or project into eclipse?

I downloaded the zip of PagerSlidingTabStrip from [here].1 Extracted it but I am not able to import library into eclipse so that i can reference it. Please help. Following is screenshot
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Remove shadow below actionbar FragmentActivity

Still can't remove the shadow below the actionbar. I am using SlidingTabLayout, SlidingTabStrip, and FragmentActivity. I already tried this: actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(); and in SlidingTabLayout: tabTitleView.setTextColor();…
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2 answers

App crashes when switching between Sliding Tabs by clicking the tabs (not swiping)

So I'm using PagerSlidingTabStrip. I implemented it just like it was suggested in the tutorial and followed the sample/demo-app code. I have 3 tabs: Calculator | Percentage | History All 3 extend Fragment. I can swipe between these tabs no…
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How to get ViewPager working with dates?

Basically I'm trying to create finite sliding tabs (say, 2 weeks). The middle tab is the current date, You can't scroll into future dates, but can go back as far as the tabs will take you. This should be based on a calendar (legit dates, etc.) and…
2 answers

Pager Sliding Tab Strip with Buttons and Edit Text for appropriate tab

I referred this Pager Sliding Tab Strip.I am getting the output as it is. But my only problem is I didn't know how to add the button for categories tab,Textview for Home tab,Edittext for Top Paid tab. There I seen only two layout…
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PagerSlidingTabStrip Error on Rotate

I am using PagerSlidingTabStrip which I found on Git Hub the problem is, when selecting tab other than the first tab and rotate the device, the app crashes and throws this error Unable to start activity…
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Using PagerSlidingTabStrip on a DialogFragment

I am using this Library that I found on GitHub PagerSlidingTabStrip and its awesome. Been using it for sometime now. But recently, I tried to implement this on a DialogFragment and its not working properly. It crashes, and gives me this error…
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Viewpager indicator Tabs

Hey guys i am trying to create a view pager indicator like google playstore tabs and i following this example Git Example But for some reason it gives me a null pointer exception. I have an activity called NewOrder that extends Activity and on…
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Change toolbar and tabs background on tab change

I have an app with the new Toolbar (that replaces the ActionBar) and tabs (currently using PagerSlidingTabStrip). I have 3 tabs, and I want to translate the color while changing the tab. For example, for tab1 have the Toolbar and tabs show #ff0000,…
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How to add different content fragments to sliding tabs

I play arround with the SlidingTabsColors example from the android developers site. Where can I add a different content fragment? Now all tabs have the same fragment/layout. I tried to copy all important for the content fragment and renamed it,…
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PagerSlidingTabStrip , no indicator at all

I am using and a viewpager. I have added code to get Icons working with selectors , and now i cant seem to enable or see a indicator , have used xml and java attributes and methods respectively for…
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How can I access localised strings from within a static FragmentPagerAdapter

I have followed official documentation on how to implement swipe views with TabStrip instead of Tabs in order to create a Fragment (FragmentMyAccount.class) that contains Nested Fragments (FragmentMyProfile.class and FragmentMyLibrary.class). These…
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DIsplay data from from server in sliding tabs

I am creating a new application in which i will be having 2 sliding tabs.Both the tabs will have a list view.The list view will have have images and text.The data from the list will be coming from the server in json format.Now my query is how will i…
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1 answer

Cannot use PagerSlidingTabStrip as library project in eclipse

I want to include PagerSlidingTabStrip in my application project. But I cannot. After I added PagerSlidingTabStrip library project to my application project, I found that I cannot use it so I checked my project properties->android. The Library…