Questions tagged [pagerslidingtabstrip]

Interactive paging indicator widget, compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library.

enter image description here

230 questions
5 answers

Importing Facebook library in Android Studio: Could not find property 'ANDROID_BUILD_SDK_VERSION'

I want to import a library project into my app but whenever I try to do so , Android Studio doesn't recognise it It also gives me errors in build.gradle .. The Library is : PagerSlidingTabStrip .... Here are some pictures : I have been trying to…
2 answers

How to load fragment data only when its tab is clicked in PagerSlidingTabStrip

I am using PagerSlidingTabStrip in my project and am showing data in fragments. Its a great library which works great. Each Fragment consists of a scholar's lectures which are loaded from a web service. The code to access the web service is in…
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11 answers

Add Icons to SlidingTabLayout instead of Text

I'm implementing a SlidingTabLayout in my android application. What my query is that I'd like to implement icons in my Sliding Tabs instead of texts for navigation. I searched heavily on the internet for any such tutorial or sample but found none. I…
3 answers

Custom Tab Indicator(With Arrow down like Indicator)

Is there a wat to make a indicator like this? it has some pointed arrow down like in the selected item?
Charles Galvez
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3 answers

Android SlidingTabLayout with icons

I am using google's SlidingTabLayout in my view, but i want to add icons to the tabs. I'm using this Can anyone please help? void…
3 answers

How to update view pager item TITLE dynamically

I have a simple messaging application module. In which, there are two swipable tabs. Received and Sent. Let us say I have 20 messages out of which 10 are unread. So what I am doing is showing the tabs as Received - (10). Now when I read the…
3 answers

Icon selector not working with PagerSlidingTabStrips

I've integrated PagerSlidingTabStrips with Icons only. But I selector on icons are not working with PagerSlidingTabStrips. xml
Vikalp Patel
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7 answers

Android SlidingTabs style tabs with round corners

I am using SlidingTabs to create two tabs. The UI of the tab should appear like this - When first tab is selected When second tab is selected. (Please note the straight corners of the blue rectangle) I am using the following selector to create the…
3 answers

Sliding tab layout for right to left languages

I'm using SlidingTabLayout and i want to slide tabs from right to left, but i can't find a way. I already try 'setGravity()' method but it doesn't work.
Farzad Farazmand
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3 answers

Contents of Viewpager lost on rotation

I have a project that has a MainActivity which hosts a fragment that hosts two other fragments via a Viewpager. It looks fine on first start up, but when I rotate, the two fragments in the Viewpager are lost. I've tried changing getFragmentManager…
3 answers

Error inflating class com.astuetz.PagerSlidingTabStrip

After I update my Android studio from 2.3.3 to 3.0 and I got this error after compiled and run (rror inflating class com.astuetz.PagerSlidingTabStrip) Please see the Log Error below: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #0: Binary XML…
ralph danding
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2 answers

Data List duplicate after go to other fragment (Sliding Tab)

there are 3 tabs : ONE || TWO || TRI example : myList = 1,2,3 issue : after i go to page TWO myList = 1,2,3,1,2,3 (double duplicate) if i go to page TRI myList = 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3 (triple duplicate) after i looking for the solution on internet, i…
R Besar
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1 answer

Make tabs in SlidingTabLayout not slide

I recently made an app using SlidingTabLayout with two tabs. I referred this link However I had to modify it slightly. I had to add a button which locks the sliding of the tabs. And unlock it when it is clicked again. So I just can't get the tabs…
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1 answer

Android Pager Sliding tab with icons

I'm developing an android app and recently we decided to mix up the design and switch our main screen to a view pager with tabs on top (actually in the actionbar). To place the tabs on top I was thinking of using a custom actionbar layout and for…
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2 answers

PagerSlidingTabStrip implement guide

I am trying to use this library in my app: I read the documents but I didn't understand anything.I have two fragments so I want to place two tabs to my app.Where do I put the viewpager xml ? Where do I…
Serkay Sarıman
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