

I am a recent graduate from Kansas State University, with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. I am currently working for a software start-up in the Kansas City area.

I enrolled in my first programming course when I was a sophomore in high school, learning C/C++. The following year, I took a similar course in Java, also taught at the high school. It wasn't long before programming evolved from coursework to hobby to lifestyle. In the 3 short years before I went off to college, I couldn't get enough, working late into the night on various hobby projects, and since that time, not much has changed.

Although my passion for technology has not changed much, my interests have matured over time, as I was exposed to various aspects of computing. I have always had a strong interest in high-level software design, with topics such as OOP, design patterns, coding standards & best practices, and unit testing. I have also recently started to really gravitate towards the various client-side technologies, such as MVVM with WPF, MVP with WinForms, and MVC with ASP.NET MVC.

If those last few examples didn't make it obvious, I am primarily a .NET guy. I am not afraid to branch out to other technologies, but many of my strengths were developed using C# and the multitude of frameworks built on .NET. I do, however, keep a small place in my heart for my first love, C++.

Outside of the office, I enjoy spending time with my wife, trying new restaurants, and traveling to new places. These excursions include, but are not limited to fishing, skiing, white-water rafting, trying out new recipes, and visiting friends.