Questions tagged [oidc-client]

49 questions
4 answers

IdentityServer External auth provider - auth-callback - Redirection - 400 Bad request

I am following and to…
3 answers

Azure AD B2C: Clients must send a client_secret when redeeming a confidential grant

I try to setup authentification for an Angular app using authorization code and Azure AD B2C (oidc-client on client side), but I'm getting these errors from Angular: After looking in B2C audit logs, I found this error message: Clients must send a…
Maxime Gélinas
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1 answer

OidcClient.readSigninResponseState: No matching state found in storage - oidc-client-js (Angular)

I am using oidc-client library for integrating with Azure AD in my Angular(9) application. signinRedirect() & signinSilent() functions are working as expected. But for signinPopup(), it is getting the access token successfully in the browser url…
0 answers

What should IdentityServer return during a code flow?

I'm attempting to use the oidc-client library in Vue.js to do authentication in a SPA. I've been following along with this tutorial:…
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Get user roles from oidc client

I am using oidc-client for my authorization in my app using angular and asp net core 3.1 How can I get the user roles from asp net thru oidc client?
2 answers

modify sign/login UI for oidc-client with .net core react template

using vscode or VS2019 with .net core 3.1, i have created new project with Authentication individuals using this command dotnet new react --auth Individual need to change Login screen UI i can't find any UI for Login component UI is there any way i…
0 answers

Angular application can't redirect after OAuth2 login when using HashLocationStrategy

I am working on an existing, in-production Angular 7 application. My task is migrate from a local authentication scheme to an existing company-wide identity provider. The identity provider is compliant with OAuth2. I am using the oidc-client…
Steve H
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2 answers

AuthorizeService isAuthenticated() subscribe being called multiple times with rxjs concat

I am using a default client side auth service from a visual studio template. There is a typescript AuthorizeService which has a function called isAuthenticated which calls the below function and checks that it is null or not. The getUser…
0 answers

Angular application Signin Redirect fails with "invalid_grant" error when running on different machine than the IDP

I am using oidc-client with Angular to log in to my identity server. When running both applications on the same machine everything works perfectly. However when I run my Identity Server on a Web Apps server and my Angular Application on a Static Web…
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1 answer

Unexpected token 'else' in oidc-client.min.js causing react app to refresh after Azure AD login

So I'm using oidc-client on a react app to have my users SSO to Azure AD. Everything works fine... ...except, about every X minutes or so the page will refresh with this in the console (X seems to be between 30 and 60 minutes). Here's the error…
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1 answer

IdentityServer4 sample code gives unauthorized_client error

I am trying to learn the Identitymodel.OidcClient package and started by testing one of the provided samples: the ConsoleSystemBrowser sample. It's a pretty straightforward sample, and I was expecting it to give me a fully configured and working…
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3 answers

this.user is undefined when fetch data from app.component in angular -oidc-client

I am using oidc-client.js in my angular project. Right now users could log-in and log out and it works fine. the only problem is that when I want to call a service in app.component, in the interceptor the user is not authenticated. auth.service is…
osman Rahimi
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1 answer

Promisse in constructor don't finish before method runs in angular 10

promise from oidc-client in angular 10 constructor is taking too long to resolve, the isLoggedIn function is being called before the constructor places de value in the user variable. this is my code: import { UserManager, UserManagerSettings, User }…
1 answer

OIDCClient LogoutAsync throwing SemaphoreFullException

I'm connecting to Identity Server 4 from a WPF application and I am trying to perform a logout. However, I get a SemaphoreFullException in my WpfEmbeddedBrowser when calling _oidcClient.LogoutAsync(). Initally I thought maybe I shouldn't use the…
Ethan Shoe
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1 answer

Staying on the same page after login oidc-client

I'm working on my first ASP.NET Core web application with SPA using Angular 9. This is my first experience with Angular at all, I've been following a tutorial in Pluralsight. But I've been having difficulties with staying on the same page after…
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