Questions tagged [oidc-client-js]

Use oidc-client-js for questions related to the certified OpenID Connect (OIDC) JavaScript library


188 questions
3 answers

IdentityServer4 - How to Implement Impersonation

I have a requirement of allowing our internal support users to impersonate our customer users. I'm currently using IdentityServer4, Implicit Flow and OIDC Client. Resources found so far. [Question]IdentityServer4 user impersonation #853 Generate…
6 answers

IdentityServer4 PostLogoutRedirectUri null

I am attempting to get the implicit flow working for IdentityServer4. Login and logout work correctly, however the PostLogoutRedirectUri is coming back null, despite setting the value where it needs to be set. What I would like is for the logout…
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No state in response after callback in oidc-client-js

I think this is an error related to angular 5.2.8 & 6 . With angular 5.2.7 work fine. I create a ng5 branch and update angular to latest 5.2.8 and the error com in! anybody can direct me to an angular 5.2.8 and later sample with oidc-client-js ?
Mike Anderson
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1 answer

Retrieving state data with oidc-client

How to keep the original url that the user was navigating to? Say I have an unauthenticated user navigates to http://localhost:9000/customer/123 To authenticate the user I would do a: // in my app.js new…
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Oidc-Client js - Frame window timed out - Silent sign in

In app.js I hava an AuthorizationInterceptorthat checks if user is logged in. When the users token expires it hits the err condition and errors with Frame window timed out (see below) and then goes in to a redirect loop. I want to to do a silent…
Paolo B
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1 answer

What is a ProfileService/When is a ProfileService executed?

I've been playing with IdentityServer4. Absolutely love it. I've been going through the tutorials on your site, specifically I have created a Profile Service that…
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signoutRedirect of oidc-client-js against Auth0 returns no end session endpoint

I've successfully used the oidc-client-js library by Brock Allen to authenticate my SPA app with Auth0 acting as my Identity Provider. However, when I try to use the library to sign the user out mgr.signoutRedirect({state: "my test"}), I receive an…
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No user in signinSilentCallback using identityserver and oidc client of javascript

I am getting user undefined in following code. I have already authenticated user from MVC. But when I use signinSilentCallback to get detail of that user, it is getting undefined using oidc-client in js. It doesn't give any error as well. …
Anonymous Creator
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5 answers

Silent refresh not working with OIDC-client in Angular 5

I have an issue with the silent refresh with oidc-client. The signin works fine and I'm able to acquire a token. However, the silent refresh doesn't fire, nothing happens. When I subscribe to methods that check token expiry (methods in…
Anthony Giretti
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0 answers

oidc-client isLoggedIn()

What is the most concise and accurate way to determine isLoggedIn() with odic-client? Much like the Angualr2 example my first method was: // return true if user (token) exists. public isLoggedIn(): Promise { return…
William Lohan
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3 answers

Identity Server 4 Silent Renew ErrorResponse: login_required

I have cloned the repo from the redux-oidc-example and it works for the most part but after a few hours it gives the following error: Action payload: ErrorResponse: login_required at new e (oidc-client.min.js:1) at t [as…
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1 answer

silent token renew in identity server 4 with js client app not working as expected

I am working with identity server 4 to provide identity services to different apps in an enterprise arch. Registered an SPA application using implicit flow with the identity server 4 app with oidc-client.js and is working. But the problem is with…
1 answer

OIDC and PWA (add to home screen)

Update: Basically the same issue as Standalone PWA breaks login but on iOS. If you add a web app to the home screen, Chrome on android shares the local storage with the same domain in the browser. You can test this by going to…
1 answer

oidc-client-js is not getting claims correctly from Identity Server 4

I have a local instance of Identity Server 4 and I'm trying to follow this guide to create a Javascript client. This uses the oidc-client-js library and I'm using the signin popup approach so my sign in event handler looks like this: signin(e) { …
1 answer

Angular application with oidc-client.js requires to login in second tab

I have authorization in Angular 8 handled by (oidc-client.js) + .Net Core IdentityServer4. Everything seems to work fine, but when I open the same application in second tab then it requires from me to login again. IdentityServer4 has cookie so it's…
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