Questions tagged [oidc-client]

49 questions
1 answer

Auth0 with Angular and Oidc-client

I have created a new Angular application and I'm working on login with Auth0 but I encountered an issue with oidc-client by getting this error: main.ts:12 TypeError: clientSettings.userStore is not a function at new OidcService…
Sergiu Molnar
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2 answers

How to fetch AccessToken

I am using the following plugin( @axa-fr/react-oidc-context ) in React to enable authentication with AzureAd. Now I need to access the access_token in ApolloClient after the authentication is done. I am not sure how to fetch the access_token in non…
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1 answer

Is the authorization code with pkce default on authcode grant type implementation?

We are using oidc-client. The Client setting grant type is authorization code. However, I found out that my authorization code uses PKCE. Because I can use it without client secret and and has code_challenge on the uri. I'm looking onto it on how it…
1 answer

How can I use IdentityModel.OidcClient in a c# webapi to verify and validate token generated from active directory service supporting openid connect?

I have a webapi in c# and a frontend angular application. The angular application is making calls to active directory services such as azure ad, to get the access token. While on subsequent webapi calls the web api application needs to validate the…
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