Questions tagged [report]

A report contains summarized information from a data source, usually in an end-user-friendly format, such as PDF or Excel, although proprietary reporting tools (usually with built-in design tools) also exist.

A report is a human-readable representation of information from a data source, usually in summarized form (especially if the volume of raw data is large). Typical data sources are database management systems and enterprise resource planning systems.

Reports can be created entirely from code, using a purpose-built reporting tool, or using a hybrid approach, where the reporting tool generates code that can later be adapted.

Report output is usually in a format that is easy for end-users to handle, such as PDF or Microsoft Excel. Complicated reports, or reports created using a proprietary tool, may require the use of a dedicated report viewing application, though.

Many third-party applications for creating and viewing reports exist, both open-source and commercial. For a comprehensive overview, see Wikipedia's list of notable reporting software.

6938 questions
1 answer

Remove data.frame row names when using xtable

OK, I admit this one is a bit uptight (read: "stupid"), and I assume it's quite easy too. I'm writing a report and I want to use xtable package for LaTeX table generation (note that memisc package does the job, but say I want to do this solely with…
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18 answers

Compare SQL Server Reporting Services to Crystal Reports

Which of Crystal Reports and SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) is better to use?
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17 answers

Fast query runs slow in SSRS

I have an SSRS report that calls out to a stored procedure. If I run the stored procedure directly from a query window, it will return in under 2 seconds. However, the same query run from an 2005 SSRS report takes up to 5 minutes to complete. …
3 answers

App shutdown with EXC_RESOURCE, WAKEUPS exception on iOS 8 GM

Does anyone know what this kind of exception is on iOS 8? === from crash report === Exception Type: EXC_RESOURCE Exception Subtype: WAKEUPS Exception Message: (Limit 150/sec) Observed 206/sec over 300 secs Triggered by Thread: 14 Seems to only…
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7 answers

How can I generate an HTML report for Junit results?

Is there a way to (easily) generate a HTML report that contains the tests results ? I am currently using JUnit in addition to Selenium for testing web apps UI. PS: Given the project structure I am not supposed to use Ant :(
Andrei Ciobanu
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2 answers

Set a table's visibility to false when it has no rows (in reporting services)

Is there a way to set a table's visibility to false, if the table has no rows? I want to hide a table in Reporting Services when it has no rows. Setting NoRows to ="" isn't sufficient in this case as space is still left for the table, and some of…
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9 answers

How to get the scrapy failure URLs?

I'm a newbie of scrapy and it's amazing crawler framework i have known! In my project, I sent more than 90, 000 requests, but there are some of them failed. I set the log level to be INFO, and i just can see some statistics but no details.…
Joe Wu
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8 answers

How can I prevent Java from creating hsperfdata files?

I'm writing a Java application that runs on Linux (using Sun's JDK). It keeps creating /tmp/hsperfdata_username directories, which I would like to prevent. Is there any way to stop java from creating these files?
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14 answers

How to fix "Test reports were found but none of them are new. Did tests run?" in Jenkins

I am getting the error "Test reports were found but none of them are new. Did tests run?" when trying to send unit test results by email. The reason is that I have a dedicated Jenkins job that imports the artifacts from a test job to itself, and…
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5 answers

How to analyze a JMeter summary report?

I get the following result when I run a load test. Can any one help me to read the report? the number of thread = '500 ' ramp up period = '1' Sample = '500' Avg = '20917' min = '820' max = …
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6 answers

The type or namespace name 'Reporting' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft'

I simply get the following error: The type or namespace name 'Reporting' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?) after adding this to my code: protected…
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1 answer

How to make Gradle build produce HTML test report instead of XML default?

Currently I build my Gradle app by running gradle clean build. This exercises JUnit tests and produces XML test results in my project under build/test-results. I would like to configure my build.gradle file to produce HTML test results (instead of…
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7 answers

How to pass main report data source to subreport (JasperReports)?

I'm using JasperReports and I fill the JRDataSource for ther report. Now, I want to pass the main REPORT_DATA_SOURCE to the subreport. How can I do this? As far as I know the REPORT_DATA_SOURCE is a consumable object, so it can only be used once,…
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6 answers

php reporting tools

I have been developing with PHP for over ten years (since PHP version 3) and have used many different programming languages. But I have never seen any PHP reporting tools. I am looking for something similar to Jasper Reports Crystal Reports Fast…
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12 answers

Something like Crystal Reports for PHP?

I'm looking for something that works in PHP and is similar to crystal reports. I basically need to have a layout setup that means I can output invoices just by inserting the data, and then send it to a printer. The closest I've found so far is PDFB,…
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