Questions tagged [xml-rpc]

XML-RPC is a remote procedure call (RPC) protocol which uses XML to encode its calls and HTTP as a transport mechanism.

XML-RPC is a means of encoding RPC requests in XML and sending them over HTTP. The use of XML as the intermediate language allows nesting of parameters into maps and lists, thus larger structures can be transported. Therefore XML-RPC can be used to transport objects or structures both as input and as output parameters.

In comparison to REST, where resource representations (documents) are transferred, XML-RPC is designed to call methods. You can find the homepage here.

1684 questions
31 answers

Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size of 134217728 Bytes Exhausted (CodeIgniter + XML-RPC)

I have a bunch of client point of sale (POS) systems that periodically send new sales data to one centralized database, which stores the data into one big database for report generation. The client POS is based on PHPPOS, and I have implemented a…
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31 answers

Unescape HTML entities in Javascript?

I have some Javascript code that communicates with an XML-RPC backend. The XML-RPC returns strings of the form: However, when I use the Javascript to insert the strings into HTML, they render literally. I don't see an image,…
Joseph Turian
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3 answers

What's the difference between XML-RPC and SOAP?

I've never really understand why a web service implementer would choose one over the other. Is XML-RPC generally found in older systems? Any help in understanding this would be greatly appreciated.
Scott Saad
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8 answers

Performance of SOAP vs. XML-RPC or REST

The arguments about the simplicity of solutions using XML-RPC or REST are easy to understand and hard to argue with. I have often also heard arguments that the increased overhead of SOAP may significantly impact used bandwidth and possibly even…
Bradley Harris
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9 answers

What public APIs are provided by Governments to the public?

I stumbled across NOAA's SOAP Service and it got me thinking. What other eGovernment services are provided to Business and the general public by Governments? I know the United States has a lot APIs, but what about other governments like the…
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7 answers

What is the best Javascript XML-RPC client library?

What is the best Javascript XML-RPC client library in your opinion and why? I'am making a JQuery app and I need to communicate with my xmlrpc server with it. Found following libraries, but I have no idea what are their pros and…
Frank Bannister
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9 answers

Set timeout for xmlrpclib.ServerProxy

I am using xmlrpclib.ServerProxy to make RPC calls to a remote server. If there is not a network connection to the server it takes the default 10 seconds to return a socket.gaierror to my program. This is annoying when doing development without a…
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2 answers


This is a more theoretical question. I am about to build a little server in here and want to create an API for it. I am deciding what is better and already ruled out SOAP since that thing is a mess in my opinion. I am left with REST and XML-RPC. I…
Andre Garzia
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1 answer

How to associate a category to a post wordpress?

I am creating a feature that creates automated posts in wordpress. Right now, the feature creates the wordpress blog post, but I can not enter the category. public class Post { public string Title { get; set; } public…
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5 answers

Python Tuple in Java XMLRPC

I'm trying to pass python tuple over java xmlrpc. Here is library what I'm using: XMLPRC Java Libray I'm using odoo framework on server and api. I want to pass argument which will looks like: [(4,7),(4,8)] I'm able to pass following…
Ashish Sahu
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1 answer

Ruby fog gem causing server not to run: cannot load such file -- xmlrpc/client (LoadError)

As the title states, I'm trying to set up an Ubuntu 16.04 system for working on rails apps. When I comment out the fog gem, the server starts locally, and with the gem left in it produces the error message below. Googling doesn't seem to provide…
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5 answers

What is the benefit of XML-RPC over plain XML?

My company has been using XML-RPC for a while, but lately I'm wondering what the benefit is of XML-RPC compared to plain XML. Firstly, it's horrible "obese", consider: ROOM_ID
Tim Cooper
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2 answers

how to use XMLRPC in C#

I need to make XMLRPC calls from my C# application and I failed to find any help with that. When I used XMLRPC from Ruby, it's that simple: server = XMLRPC::Client.new2("http://server/api.php") result ="remote.procedure", [1, [['crit1',…
Adam Mus
2 answers

How to install xmlrpclib in python 3.4?

When I am trying to install xmlrpclib, I am getting following error in python version 3.4 Downloading/unpacking xmlrpclib Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement xmlrpclib Some externally hosted files were ignored (use…
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3 answers

Send file from client to server using XMLRPC?

I want to write Python code to send a file from client to server. server needs to save the file sent from the client. But my code have some bugs which I cannot fix. Below is my server code: # from SimpleXMLRPCServer import…
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