Questions tagged [notification-channel]

Notification Channels introduced with Android 8.0 Oreo.

90 questions
1 answer

Notification channel error

I have an app which will recieve FCM notifications.App was recieved notifications on os below Android oreo devices. But notificatons are not recieving in android oreo device.Instead of notification it gets toast "developer warning for package failed…
1 answer

Android notifications not showing on kitkat

Im trying to show notifications from firebase messaging it works on oreo and above but only plays a sound on kitkat devices (I haven't got other devices or emulators to test against) and I get some strange error logs such as Could not find class…
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cancelAll() and cancel() don't dismiss my notification

I am facing this problem for a long time now, I have an application with many functions, one of them is the alarm My notification just stays there and never disappears although I am calling cancelAll() / cancel() from the notification manager, also…
2 answers

Build Version Code O not being recognized correctly

I have this code snippet for my local notifications to work on Oreo devices. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(CHANNEL_ID, CHANNEL_NAME, …
0 answers

Android Notification Actions with Notification Channeling

I am working on an application where we have to generate a notification with action buttons. It was working fine till the date we decided to update our notification handling to support notification channels (released with Android Oreo 8.0). I don't…
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How to properly initialize and use NotificationChannelGroup

Notification channels and groups seem to be straightforward. Intuitively, I expected to make a channel for each notification category, and then create groups for each user. In the end, all notifications should be bundled based on their unique…
Allan W
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Android Notification Channel silent ringtone by default

I want to create a Notification Channel for Android Oreo where the default sound is silent, I've tried to not specify the sound and it still plays a sound when the notification is dispatched. Any ideas? NotificationChannel chan2 = new…
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AndroidNotification: Missing required channel id

I am getting Missing required channel id error while receiving notification in case app is in foreground. when app is in background or app is killed notification is working properly. i have added default_notification_channel_id key in manifest…
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Notification channel custom sound only works when i run the application process on the emulator

I have a custom sound for a notification channel under /res/raw and it does not play when i launch the application from the emulator. Instead, it only works when i click on the run button in android studio and the application is run via a process in…
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Is there a way to keep the heads-up notification banner showing? Or specify the amount of time it should stay before it goes away?

Is there a way to make stay longer, stick until the user clicks it, or specify time for it to stay there before hiding ? I am using Firebase Cloud Messaging. How does Whatsapp manage to do this for incoming calls ?
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Notifications Channels - logic behind the creation

I tried to ask the question in the android beginners slack channel but possibly asked either not in the right way or asked in a too "overloading" way. I am currently working on this class which deals with notification channels. I got a bit confused…
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Android O: Notification Channel name localization

I'm facing similar problem mentioned here in this SO post. Have notification channel got created something like this, NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(CHANNEL_ID_FOOBAR,…
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Notificationmanager.notify not showing a notification

I have a MediaPlayer Service, that plays songs even when the app is minimized. Now i wanted to display a "player notification" for the user to interact and that the service doesn't get killed. I have implemented the two functions but the…
Luis Ka
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Is it possible to set repeating times of vibration pattern of a Notification Chanel for Android SDK 26

I am trying to use a custom vibration on local notifications. After reading a bit I set the custom vibration pattern in the Notification Channel, like this: if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { val notificationChannel = …
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Many notifications on one app. How to create multiple notifications with different contents at different time?

I would like to create 3 notifications in my app. They will aprear at the different time of day. All of them will have different contents. My code looks like this : public class NotificationHelper { private Context mContext; private…