Questions tagged [notification-channel]

Notification Channels introduced with Android 8.0 Oreo.

90 questions
2 answers

After setLockscreenVisibility(Notification.VISIBILITY_SECRET) the notification channel is still appearing on lockscreen

After set a notification channel to not show notifications at lockscreen, it still is showing the notifications on…
2 answers

Without using the delete, is possible to update a Notification Channel Importance level after it was created?

Without deleting the channel. After created a notification channel on Android, is that possible to update the importance level of a specific channel though application update? Just calling the createNotificationChannel again or reinstalling the app…
1 answer

NotificationChannel always make sound in Android 8.0

I have upgraded target build version to 27 so need to implement notification channel. I'm starting a foreground service which will show a notification when started. With notification channel it's working as expected but it's always make sound.…
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Notifications on android oreo - dynamically enable sound/vibration

I have a foreground service that shows a progress notification and if it is finished, the notification is reused as a normal notification to show the service's result I allow the user to define inside my app if the final notification is silent or…
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Why notification.builder setSound doesnt work?

In my application i successfully create a notification but the sound that plays is the default which i dont want. I have a sound clip in the resources/raw/basic_notification.mp3 and i want to play this when the notification is built. fun…
2 answers

Android Push Notification Sound is missing (Not Working ) background and foreground on android

I have implementing FCM for push notification. I am calling this OnMessageReceived Method but the sound is not played when the app is in the foreground and background here is my code public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends…
2 answers

How to properly update notification channel android oreo

I'm trying to update a notification channel after I create it. Namely, I want to properly set the notification sound, but after I create it. I can't really figure out the proper way to do this. What I tried was to delete the channel and re-create it…
Adrian Olar
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How to access notification channels for another Android app?

I want to create a function that calls the notification channel settings for another app. I don't know the channel IDs for the other app. Is there a way to do that?
1 answer

Android Notification vibrates with NotifiationChannel.enableVibration(false)

With API 26 (Android 8.0) we need to define a NotificationChannel for each Notification. Each channel has its own settings of disruptions (e.g. vibration, light, sound). Problem: When I disable vibration for this channel and deploy this on a Android…
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Android: How to disable notification channel programmatically?

I have a working implementation, to check if a channel is enabled. But is there any possible way to disable a notification channel programmatically? How I check if the channel is enabled: /** * Get the setting a user has applied to the…
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NotificationChannel setSound and vibration not working

I have a problem to play sound, when notification will come, notification is showing, but there is no sound or vibration, I saw many question and answers to how to set the sound and vibration to notificaiton channels, but it doesn't works, this is…
Jemo Mgebrishvili
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4 answers

NotificationCompat.Builder() not accepting Channel Id as argument

I know this question has been asked several times before. But none of the solutions worked for me. That's why I would like to ask the question again. The following line only accepts NotificationCompat.Builder(context) : NotificationCompat.Builder…
1 answer

NotificationChannel notification as alarm when phone is muted (Oreo)

I'm setting the NotificationCompat.Builder with: .setSound(getNotificationSound(), AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM) .setCategory(NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_ALARM) .setPriority(NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_MAX) among the other mandatory properties. For…
3 answers

Working with Firebase Push Notifications without Notification channels

I need to generate notifications when a PUSH notification is received but also I need to generate notifications (for display them in the notification bar of the device) when something happens in the application, so I'm using…
0 answers

NotificationChannel: listen for changes in the categories (sound changed, vibration enabled)

I have a RingtonePreference and a Vibration Preference and I'm trying to adapt the pre-26 behavior to newer versions of Android. Since it's not possible to update the sound in a NotificationChannel once it's created, I'm planning to delete the old…
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