Questions tagged [notification-channel]

Notification Channels introduced with Android 8.0 Oreo.

90 questions
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how to get the changing result for block/unblock the notifications from the calling

android, from NotificationManagerCompat.from(context.applicationContext).areNotificationsEnabled() it can tell whether the notifications from the calling package are not blocked. and it could use Intent intent = new…
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NotificationChannel sound stops when SMS Receives

I have a problem when receive FCM notification and SMS nearly at the same time. I have mp3 as raw value R.raw.ambulance1 and also
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How to show notification icon on android when both normal and minimized alarm exist in notification channel

There are number of channel registered on the notification channel. When user checks the minimize notification function, only notification from the minimized channel should be disapeared. But currerntly the issue is that when a user checks the…
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app doesn't show notification in android 8 and above

The notification works fine in the Android 7, but when i tried to run the app on Android 8 and Android 10 it doesn't work anymore I tried to create a new notification channel but is still the same Any Ideias ? private void…
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How can I enable floating Notification and Notification badge from android code?

How can I enable floating Notification and Notification badge from android code in android version greater than Oreo? I tried notification channel but still no luck. Here is my code: private void showNotification(String message) { …
1 answer

Alarm notification is not working for API>=26 android emulators

I am trying to send a notification that appears under the top navigation bar as follows: My codes work for android emulator with API < 26, but they do not work for android emulator with API >= 26. I found that it is because I need to add channel,…
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Android notification not making sound and vibration

I have written code for notification with notification channel. Its making default sound in my two vivo phones but its not at all making sound in my xiaomi phone with android os 7 and also in my samsung phone with android 8. Here is my notification…
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Stop overlapping Android Audio Notifications

When using FCM Notification Channels - it is no longer possible to change the Notification Sound when a notification arrives (using SetSound()). This is causing me a problem when my app receives a notification while the audio of a previous…
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NotificationChannel not working for Android 8 and above

I'm new to developing an application. Currently, I'm working on push notification. Before this, I'm trying using Android 4.4, and the push notification work just fine. But, now I'm trying to debug on my Android 9 (Pie), but it seems like the…
1 answer

Android notification action to update notification channel settings

I've written the following method to send notificaitons, notifications are working however when the notification action button settings is pressed, the pending intent to the channel settings isn't opened. Any ideas why this isn't working? private…
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Action icon added in notification not showing up

I am trying to create a notification for Incoming call. For that I have added two actions in notification. My action text only is displayed.Action icon is not displayed in notification. I want to add icon near Answer and cancel which I added as…
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FCM: Notification Channels are mandatory or optional?

In Firebase Cloud Messaging docu, you can read that is mandatory: Starting in Android 8.0 (API level 26), all notifications must be assigned to a channel. Caution: If you target Android 8.0 (API level 26) and post a notification without…
1 answer

How to show an expanded silent notification on Android Q

What I try to achieve is a notification like #2 ("USB debugging connected"): shown with title and description on separate lines. However, when I creata a notification channel with NotificationChannel(channelId, channelName,…
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Custom notification sound is not working at NotificationChannel for android P

I have custom notification sound but when device take notification therefore device is not silent, notification sound is not working. Device is playing default sound. NotificationChannel mChannel = new NotificationChannel(MISSED_CALL, "missedCall",…
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How to programmatically enable NotificationChannel Sound

I tried setting the sound with the following code, but its not working Uri defaultRingtone = Uri.parse("android.resource://"+getPackageName()+"/raw/alarm"); NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(JayaGrocer.NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL,…
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