Questions tagged [no-response]

53 questions
3 answers

SAS code stops running after submit, nothing in log either

I am writing a SAS program which also uses some macros. However, SAS suddenly stopped running the codes that I submitted. If I select and submit a part of the code, I can see it copied in the log but that's it. No note, error or warning. Neither is…
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3 answers

How does one successfully open a Java bug if Sun doesn't respond?

I attempted to open a Java bug last Halloween. I immediately got a response that my submission was accepted, and have heard nothing since. Looking at Sun's web pages, I can't found any contact information where I can inquire. Almost two weeks ago…
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1 answer

Django + Apache, browser always loading and none data received

I am running Django site in Apache with mod_wsgi. The site works before. Today when I am try to install a tokuwiki on the same server, I found the site become failed that when I open the django site, the chrome always loading and after a long long…
Leon X. W.
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2 answers

docker-compose succeed but server does not response when request

I have built a RESTful API web service using Flask framework, Redis as main database, MongoDB as a backup store and Celery as task queue to store data into MongoDB in background Then I dockerize my application using docker-compose. Here is my…
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3 answers

In RoR, how do I catch an exception if I get no response from a server?

I’m using Rails 4.2.3 and Nokogiri to get data from a web site. I want to perform an action when I don’t get any response from the server, so I have: begin content = open(url).read if content.lstrip[0] == '<' doc = Nokogiri::HTML(content) …
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Jquery .ajax() Returns No Response Body if dataType is JSON

I am trying to login to a server through an API, but I'm having an issue where setting the 'dataType' to JSON causes me to receive 'No Response Body'. When dataType is 'json' I receive this back: Request URL: …
Bill Walters
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1 answer

NSURLResponse not always receiving Data

I was wondering why in NSURLResponse in a sendSynchronousRequest would not receive information every time even though no change has occurred. It looks like there is NSData being received but it is not getting converted into a string and then not…
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Eclipse permanently not responding while debugging

I was wondering if anyone has experienced this problem. We work with Eclipse 2020-03 running Wildfly 16 and OpenJDK 1.12 on a Windows 10 Desktop connecting the a local instance of SQL Server. When the app server is deployed we connect using Chrome…
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0 answers

Facebook Messenger does not give response in Rasa Core bot

Steps followed to create Facebook Messenger Bot : 1) Created a new app by clicking on Add New App. 2) Moving to Product list and start configuring messenger (product), then moving to settings -> Basic and saved App secret for…
1 answer

"Remote server closed the connection before sending response header" - iOS 10.3 issues

I have setup Charles proxy to test my app calls. I am getting following error in Charles proxy for iOS 10.3 where in iOS 11.3 it is giving me the success response. Error: Remote server closed the connection before sending response header I am…
Priyanka Mistry
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2 answers

No response when trying to install instrument-control package in octave

I am running raspbian on a Raspberry-Pi 2 B. I am trying to install the instrument-control package in octave 3.6.2.Initially I got a mkoctfile missing error: Installing octave package in ubuntu With…
1 answer

Jquery Send Ajax and no wait response for sending other ajax

I have an ajax that call to a server and run a long process (this process is writing the status on a database). I have other ajax (recursively) to get the status of the long process and set the params on a Progress Bar. My problem is that the second…
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How can compile a simple windows application using cmake and Visual Studio 2019?

I opened a new windows desktop-application project in Visual Studio 2019 and it brought a C++ starting code. I compiled it and it ran well. It is a simple window with two menus as "File" and "Help" only. What I want to do is to copy this starting…
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1 answer

No Response After Running Python Script Using Python-Shell

I have a nodeJS application and I need to run a python script in order to get a certain response. I am using python-shell in order to do that, but I am getting no response. I have tried also using a child-process, same response. Here I call the…
0 answers

NSURLSessionDataTask returning nil value after getting response

I created this api endpoint that sends back data about a person, and I'm trying to reach that endpoint from my app. I was able to connect to the endpoint but after calling that method it returns nil. I've attempted to use a block statement to…
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