Questions tagged [nehotspothelper]

The NEHotspotHelper interface allows an iOS app to participate in the process of joining Wi-Fi/hotspot networks. Such an app is referred to as a Hotspot Helper. A Hotspot Helper receives commands to be processed in the background that allow it to participate in the Hotspot Network state machine.

The NEHotspotHelper interface allows an iOS app to participate in the process of joining Wi-Fi/hotspot networks. Such an app is referred to as a Hotspot Helper. A Hotspot Helper receives commands to be processed in the background that allow it to participate in the Hotspot Network state machine. We need to request the entitlements from Apple to be able to use this API

40 questions
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Working around the issue of being unable to acquire WiFi signal strength in iOS

I have an iOS app that I had intended on adding a feature which shows WiFi bars to show the user their WiFi signal strength while the app is in full screen. As I have learned recently, it is not possible to include a feature in an iOS app which…
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Is there any way of getting the WiFI signal strength in iOS in 2020?

I need to show the WiFi signal strength in an app that targets iOS 9. I've seen that it is possible to use NEHotspotNetwork but I'm confused on how to use it. I've read the answers for this question but this question and the documentation don't show…
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Unable to join Wifi for the first time using NEHotSpotConfiguration

My iOS app needs to connect to an IOT device Wi-Fi, which does not have internet access. iOS app already knows the ssid password of the iOT device Wi-Fi. So I tried connecting to IOT device Wi-Fi using [NEHotspotConfigurationManager…
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Wifi Disconnection or Wifi to Cellular network switch callback in background

Can anyone please tell me if there is a way to detect when the network connection goes off when the app is in background ? I want to get a callback when the Wifi-Network is turned off and also when there is switch from Wifi to Cellular network. I am…
Preetham Baliga
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NEHotspotHelperCommand command not calling presentUI or authenticate

I am using NEHotspotHelper API, and successfully able to get the list of scanned wifi, but when I try to connect one of the available wifi (which have the captive portal) by setting the configuration, NEHotspotHelperCommand presentUi command never…
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How can I disable the "Join Wi-Fi network" alert message in Swift?

I'm making an App that connects to a hostpot, but whenever I press the button to connect, an alert message appears: "WiFi-Conenct" Wants to join Wi-Fi Network "Name of a network"? How can I disable it, or set join?
1 answer

Get list of all wifi available in ios

I have check all possible solutions to get list of all available Wifi's but nothing works for me. I even try NEHotspotConfigurationManager API but it connect to wifi with predefined SSID. In my case I need to get the list only. Do we need…
Nupur Gupta
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iOS 10 Automatically join a WiFi using NEHotspotHelper

It's possible to retrieve all SSIDs and network strengths using NEHotspotHelper related APIs. But does it allow apps to automatically join different WiFi networks based on application logic?
Rukshan Marapana
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How to cancel register an app as a Hotspot Helper (NEHotspotHelper)?

I wrote an app that registered as a Hotspot Helper by method below: [NEHotspotHelper registerWithOptions:queue:handler:] which is documented here. After registered , as the document said Once this API is invoked successfully, the application…
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iOS swift programatically disable wifi auto join option

is there possible to programatically disable wifi auto join option in iPhone? any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance
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