Questions tagged [navigationcontroller]

A Controller in a MVC (Model View Controller) pattern provides the execution flow of the application. NavigationController is about this flow.

A Controller in a MVC (Model View Controller) pattern provides the execution flow of the application. NagigationController is about this flow in a technology that can apply the MVC pattern.

490 questions
4 answers

Create only one instance of fragment while navigating to destinations(android)

I am using Navigation component. when navigating I want to not create new instance of fragment if it already exists in backstack and pop that already existing in front. …
0 answers

Add fragment on navigation controller instead of replace fragment?

I am using Navigation control (Android Architecture). I used some demo and creating navigation architecture. But the problem is, fragment is getting recalled every time just like: replace fragment when you back from any fragment. So how can I stop…
chari sharma
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3 answers

My navigation bar's large title is too wide. How to fix that?

I am using navigation controller, and I've set to true its navigation bar's prefersLargeTitle property. Everything works fine, but when the text of my title becomes too big, it doesn't fit in space. Here how it looks: Is it possible to somehow…
Tigran Iskandaryan
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2 answers

IOS7 navigatinBar tintColor change in popover

I developed iPad application. I'm opening some screens in popover with navigation controller. But I did not change navigationcontroller tint color in IOS 7. How can I change this color. thanx UINavigationController *navigationController =…
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6 answers

iPhone: NavigationController NavigationBar Back button text

When I push a new ViewController onto a navigation controller stack the "back" button is the Title of the previous controller. How can I change the text in the back button to "Back" instead of the default name-of-last-controller?
Ian Vink
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5 answers

Android : `androidx.navigation.NavArgs` not found

I fetch this below code from But getting this below error: spend already more the 3 hours but not any success. Please help me to solve this error.
Prashant Jajal
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6 answers

exception: View does not have a navController set

in the fragment which i made it host in the tag fragment in activity when i use navController = Navigation.findNAvController(view) the app crashes by the error: View does not have a navController set. this is nav_graph:
4 answers

Calling popToRootViewControllerAnimated after dismissModalViewControllerAnimated

I am working application in which i calling presentModalViewController and once finished(calling dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES) it should immediately call popToRootViewControllerAnimated. But the issue is…
sathish kumar
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2 answers

What's purpose of embedding in Navigation Controller?

I have been recently learning iOS development and a friend tells me that it's good practice to embed views in Navigation Controllers. Is that true and if so why? What does embedding a View Controller in a Navigation Controller change versus just…
William Bing Hua
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2 answers

Change contentSizeForViewInPopover on navigationController push on iOS

I have a UIPopoverController with navigationController and bunch of subviews. The size of the popover is set just before it's shown like this: [self.myPopover setPopoverContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 500)]; That works fine. The popover is shown with…
Borut Tomazin
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3 answers

xcode4.2.1 - storyboard - Navigation controller - Title bar color

I am designing an app with storyboard with minimal coding. So, I am designing everything using views and buttons without the need for header files. What is the easiest way to change the default blue title bar color to black with minimal coding?
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4 answers

Change NavigationBar Title (font and color) in different View Controllers

I was trying to customize the look of the Navigation Bar Title in my app. I had to build a Custom Navigation Controller (not just for this issue), so I thought to override the setTitle function like this - (void)setTitle:(NSString *)title { …
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2 answers

How to move search bar into the navigation bar using Swift?

So I'm wondering how I can move the search bar in my app (which is currently displayed below the navigation bar, into the navigation bar. Right now, I have a function called makeSearchBar(), which I call in viewDidLoad() to make the search bar.…
2 answers

snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: true) returns an empty view

I want to implement a custom push-transition for a navigation controller. I first implemented the UINavigationControllerDelegate where I return an Object of UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning. In this class, I want to take a snapshot of the…
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1 answer

iOS disable push segue animation

I have a storyboard with various segues for pushing ViewControllers in a NavigationController. In storyboard i disabled Animation: However the push is still animating. Why?
Lord Vermillion
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