Questions tagged [n-layer]

Use this tag for questions related to the development of application using a N-Layer architecture.

Layers describe the logical groupings of the functionality and components in an application. Logical layers are merely a way of organizing your code. Typical layers include Presentation, Business and Data.

79 questions
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How to execute two SQL commands in separate methods and roll back if the second raised an exception

I'm having hard time explaining the problem. But maybe I can do a better job in here. In my 4-layer architecture application an online store with warehouse management system (A simple one) but lots of business rules. Example 1: The Presentation…
Mazen Elkashef
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Where to place Identity data and settings in ASP.NET MVC 3-tier architecture application?

I am working with ASP.NET MVC app and trying to move it to 3-layer architecture. I can't figure out where to place Identity data, in which layer? Should I make two DB contexts (within two layers) or make reference from Presentation Layer to DAL?…
1 answer

REST interface for clients (and services?)

In an N-Layered architecture, a REST interface is exposing some resources. Clients need to be authenticated with Basic Authentication over TLS. Business logic is making sure the data is valid and acceptable by the system. Filters are applied to make…
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n layers vs mvc architecture - when using those architecture ?

I maked many reasearch about those two architectures but i could not choose which one to use . So there is my question : what is the main the advantages and the disadvantages of the two architectures and when we use n layers instead of mvc…
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Entity Framework N- Layer no binding with datagridview

I have a layer of Data like this to bring me all Admins: public List SelectAllAdmin() { return (from u in contexto.Datos_Admin select u).ToList() ; } In my layer of Entities have this: public class EDatos_Admin { …
2 answers

When to use a Visual Studio Project for a Layer in a Layered Architecture? What are the benefits for physical seperation?

Today I discussed a software architecture topic with my co-worker. We don't know why most examples for layered software architecture uses a separate Visual Studio Project? What are disadvantages of logical separating the layers into Visual Studio…
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About N-layer architecture, where is the best place for save function?

There is a project that is developed by mvc 4 and entity framework 5. Its architecture is three-layer,there are repository ,service and UI. now there is a problem: where is invoking the save function? 1)put the save in service layer. if…
1 answer

NLayer MpegFile to SFML.Net SoundStream

I'm currently working on SFML.Net to expand with mp3 support. Therefore I wrote a Stream class which uses NLayer MpegFile to decode the mp3. public class Mp3StreamSFML : SoundStream { private MpegFile mp3file; private int currentBufferSize; …
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NLayer MpegFile to SFML (.NET) Music

I'm currently searching for some way to extended SFML.Net to use MP3. Therefore ioctllr recommended NLayer, which I wanted to try. This is my approach: namespace AudioCuesheetEditor.AudioBackend { public class SFMLMp3Stream : Stream { private…
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Is ViewModel creating logic count as "unprefered logic" in controller

So is next example of Controller valid? Or logic like this should be somewhere else? As i understand we need to use DTO to transfer data between layers, so if we pass JsonResult or ViewModel from BussinesLogic layer, it will mistake? Then this…
nuclear sweet
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Can .ASP ViewModel have DTO collection as public members?

As an example: I have a data transfer object mapped from my business entity. I have a Controller, that calls business logic handler class, that returns List result. Can I have List as a public member in my ViewModel so that I can load…
nuclear sweet
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1 answer

N Layer .Net Message management

Im developing a N Layer web application (UI/Service/DAL). When in calling a certain service, inside the service layer sometimes theres an event that requires user notification. How should I pass these messages from the service layer to the UI…
Fex Rex
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web client call server, server call 3rd party, all async?

I have a website that is that is architected using an n-layer approach. The problem I have is that I need the client to make a call to the application layer, one of the other layers will then make a call to another web service somewhere in the…
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5 answers

Agile/XP and Layered approach

Can Agile/XP go together with layered approach? Should Agile/XP go together with layered approach? Breaking the source code into layers requires extra efforts and thereby increases the development-time significantly. N.B : By 'Layers' I mean…
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EF5 Database first model templates (tt) for class generation

I want to make that all my Entities created form an existing database inherits from the same interface. I suppose this can be done through the templates. And I've seen that ugly .tt file, but there is no help (or I haven't found it). There are any…