Questions tagged [n-layer]

Use this tag for questions related to the development of application using a N-Layer architecture.

Layers describe the logical groupings of the functionality and components in an application. Logical layers are merely a way of organizing your code. Typical layers include Presentation, Business and Data.

79 questions
2 answers

Understanding the difference between ONION and N-Layered architecture

I am making the structure of a .Net based application. For now, I am using MVC 5. Here are details of different components of the system. 1. Database – This is underlying database and will contain the data 2. OData API – This API will interact…
5 answers

N-Layered ASP.NET Application: One class library for all my layers or one class library for each layer?

N-Layered ASP.NET Application: One class library for all my layers or one class library for each layer?
Mazen Elkashef
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Using EF POCO classes as MVC 2 models (with data annotations)

I have a 4 layered web application programmed in C#... .Net 4.0: UI Layer Business Layer Data access Layer Entities layer My data layer contains an edmx My entities layer contains my POCO objects (generated by a t4 script), and that layer is…
Chris Klepeis
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3 answers

Is there a difference between ASP.NET N-Layered / DDD architecture and a Window service software architecture?

I am reading a lot of architecture (N-Layered and DDD) yet most of the articles are about web site architecture and develop mostly windows services. Can the architecture be used the same way?
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Microsoft N-Layer sample

What do you think about ? I am interesting in data access implementation (UnitOfWork, repositories, transactions). Is it the "best" example of implementing this issue on microsoft technologies ? If you have…
2 answers

Does application services belong to domain layer or application layer?

I have a N-Layered Winforms application with 4 layers as follows: Presentation Layer Application Layer Domain Layer Infrastructure Layer My Application Layer has a Product Services class which is used for all repository related actions for Products.…
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1 answer

Where Should Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) be declared in a layered application using DDD

I used to have my DTOs declared in the Domain Layer. But that was before I later understood that the Application Layer should pass in primitives to the Domain Layer to instantiate Domain Model Entities, not DTOs. Now that I know this, I have no use…
2 answers

Mvc and n-layer architecture

I am working on a mvc project. Also I want to use n-layer solution structure. So, I am using the following structure for my solution. It shows specially the part of the solution I have doubts with. I am planing to create interfaces for each…
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Am I violating SOLID principles and n-layer, micro service architectures?

In the following example, the AccountService and ProductService are in an ASP.NET MVC app. The AccountWebAPI and ProductWebAPI are externally hosted API micro services. 1) Can I eliminate the ProductService and orchestrate the retrieving of the…
wonderful world
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n-layered architecture - BLL, DAL and interfaces. What is best practice?

I have a question regarding n-layer architecture. I thought long and hard before asking this question as there's a lot of similar questions here already... however, after literally a day and a half looking at it and reading these other answers I'm…
Matt B
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3 answers

What are the benefits of an N-layered architecture?

What are the benefits of an N-layered architecture? How does that make an application better?
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Dependency Injection - Visual Studio layer structure for ASP.NET

I've been reading up on DI and from what I can gather, the structure your VS solution should be as follows: Web (UI) Project references: Data Access (*scratches head) Business Logic DTO Business Logic Project references: DTO Data Access Project…
1 answer

where should I implement security/Authorization in n-tier architecture?

where should I implement security/Authorization in n-tier architecture? I was developing an ASP.Net MVC Application using N-tier Architecture. Should I implement the authorization module as a different layer or as Service? Some Business rule depends…
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1 answer

.net Reference Web in class library

I am writing an n-layer app/site and in my Common class library I need to call on NetSqlAzMan Web reference but that cannot be imported into a class library, only into a website type project. One way to get around it is to make my Common layer a…
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1 answer

Can you bypass a layer for a certain operation in a layered architecture?

In an n-layered (5-layer, let's say) application, if there are options available for a certain operation to bypass one of the layers and communicate with the next layer directly, can it still be called an "n-layer" architecture, or does it turn into…
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