Questions tagged [n-layer]

Use this tag for questions related to the development of application using a N-Layer architecture.

Layers describe the logical groupings of the functionality and components in an application. Logical layers are merely a way of organizing your code. Typical layers include Presentation, Business and Data.

79 questions
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How do I access a class library that has reference from anther class library

I have a Web Application Layer and a BLL ClassLibrary as well as a DAL class library. The BLL Class Library has a reference to the DAL Class Library. I can access the method of the BLL in the main project. I cannot however access the DAL References…
2 answers

DDD, Aggregate Root and entities in library application scenario

I'm building a library application. Let's assume that we have a requirement to let registered people in the library to borrow a book for some default period of time (4 weeks). I started to model my domain with an AggregateRoot called Loan with code…
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3-layer architecture. EF in presentation layer

I try to create 3-layer architecture application. There are 2 class library (data access, business logic)and MVC (presentation). For DB connection I use entity framework. In DataAccess I configured DatabaseContext my connection string…
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problems to test the methods of my classes

I've been trying to test my classes with Jest without success. In the example, I have a method with a parameter, when I try it on playgroung it responds satisfactorily but in the tests it is giving me problems, I have seen some examples but they…
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n-layared architecture, is it only a 3 layer thing?

I've always heard about the 3 layer approach (Presentation + Business logic + Data access) and that's the way I've always worked (adding a "4" layerif I count the database itself), but I'm wondering if this is all about layer and tier architecture…
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Azure Key Vault Connection Strings and N-Layered Design

This question relates to the following post which maybe helpful: Azure DevOps CI/CD and Separating Connection Strings from Source Control I'm currently working on an N-Layered project based off of an article by Imar Spaanjaars named ASP.NET…
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What extra layers can there in n-layer architecture for an application?

i studying on software architecture principles. i understood that what is three layer architecture (contains Presentation-Business -Data Access). but anybody has any idea or extra layers for doing it for example someone do it by extra layers such as…
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Dynamic N-Layer with ASP.NET

I'm trying to build a web application that let the administrator talk to the database through C# and add new tables and columns to fit his requirements (sort of a very simple database studio) but I'm not trying to just create some spaghetti…
Mazen Elkashef
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Projects can reference classes in another projects that aren't directly referenced in .NET Core/.NET Standard

I am designing a N-tier application. The solution has 5 projects: A, B, C, D and E. The references between projects are like this: A -> B, E B -> C, E C -> D, E D -> E Even though I don't have explicit reference from A to D, I can access it without…
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Converting from N-Layer to DDD

I'm struggling to understand how to refactor my site to cleaner code by letting my Domain Entities have their behavior. I hope i have managed to describe my problem in this diagram: A is my current design of Web application project while B is my…
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C# NAudio rendering a waveform without DMO or ACM

I'm trying to draw out a waveform using on an Azure Website (which doesn't have the ACM or DMO codecs installed), so I had to use NLayer to read the mp3 file. The code I have below works perfectly with the regular DmoMp3FrameDecompressor,…
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Do I need Entity Framework Referenced In My UI even if access is limited to my data access layer?

I have an n-layered application with data base activity performed in my data access layer. I have an application layer which asks my data access layer to perform tasks from the repositories in the data access layer. My user interface, which for now…
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Should a data constant needed for validation exist in a domain entity or database stored procedure

I have a business rule to validate in a domain layer for an Order entity. The rule is a requesting customer must of had an account with the store for at least 30 days to qualify for a certain discount. The value of 30 can be defined as a constant…
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What format is data in when passed to a domain layer for validations

I am confused about what form data is supposed to be in when passing data from a User Interface in the Presentation Layer to an Application Layer then the Domain Layer for validations. I am passing in a DTO but I've heard I should not. Rather that…
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Is the sample flow correct for saving a new record in an n-layered design using Entity Framework 6

I've been trying to develop an N-Layered design with a WinForms application using Entity Framework. Is the below sample flow correct for saving a new record in an n-layered design using Entity Framework? Presentation Layer A) UI performs light…