Questions tagged [bll]

A Business Logic Layer (BLL) is a typical software engineering artifact within a Multitier architecture.

A Business Logic Layer (BLL) is a typical software engineering artifact within a Multitier architecture. It separates the business logic from other tiers, such as the data access layer or service layer. BLL objects are typically partitioned into two categories: business process objects (those which reflect business activities, or behaviors) and business entities (those which reflect real world business objects). Business process objects are typically implemented as controllers, i.e. they contain no data elements and only expose behaviors and activities which represent business processes. Business entities typically correspond to entities in a domain model rather than a database model.

98 questions
3 answers

POCO's, DTO's, DLL's and Anaemic Domain Models

I was looking at the differences between POCO and DTO (It appears that POCO's are dto's with behaviour (methods?))and came across this article by Martin Fowler on the anaemic domain model. Through lack of understanding, I think I have created one…
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Do you allow the Web Tier to access the DAL directly?

I'm interested in perceived "best practice", tempered with a little dose of reality here. In a web application, do you allow your web tier to directly access the DAL, or should it go through a BLL first? I'm talking specifically of scenarios where…
Marty Pitt
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How does the MVC pattern differ, if at all, from the DAL / BLL design pattern?

I'm making my way through the early Data Access Tutorials on Microsoft's ASP.NET website and it occurred to me that this all seems awfully similar to what I have read about separating your logic and presentation code using the MVC pattern. As a…
Martin Doms
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7 answers

What to return from the DAL to BLL

I currently have an application which consists of: User Interface (web page) BLL (Manager & Domain Objects) DAL (DataAccess class for each of my Domain Objects). I use the following in the UI to search for a domain object. protect sub…
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DAL and BLL in .NET

There is this DAL/BLL design suggestion by Microsoft for ASP.NET (2.0) apps. I know some of the alternatives and I've read related questions here on SO. However I wonder if this proposed solution is worth implementing nowadays, is there a specific…
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Communication between BLL and DAL

Solution setup: DAL (class library) BLL (class library) Common (class library (some common functionality - enums, logging, exceptions,...)) Application1 (Windows Application) Application2 (Windows Application) WebApp (Web application) ... Let's…
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marking BLL classes as static or?

I already have a layered data access design which works well. But i dont know if it is the most suitable implementation or not. i simply want to know that BLL classes or methots should be static or they should be concreate classes which has only one…
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4 answers

.net, C# Interface between Business Logic and DAL

I'm working on a small application from scratch and using it to try to teach myself architecture and design concepts. It's a .NET 3.5, WPF application, and I'm using Sql Compact Edition as my data store. I'm working on the business logic layer, and…
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6 answers

What is your favorite Business Logic Layer (BLL) development toolkit for .NET? Are there any at all?

What is your favorite Business Logic Layer (BLL) development toolkit? Are there any at all? BLL toolkit is a set of classes (controls, VS.NET add-ins) handling typical business logic scenarios. E.g. implementing access control, providing validation…
Alex Yakunin
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8 answers

Manual DAL & BLL vs. ORM

Which approach is better: 1) to use a third-party ORM system or 2) manually write DAL and BLL code to work with the database? 1) In one of our projects, we decided using the DevExpress XPO ORM system, and we ran across lots of slight problems that…
Mikhail Glukhov
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How to use DTO's between UI, BLL, DAL

I'm trying to write a small app with very strict boundaries between BLL and DAL and am now wondering what the best way would be to pass the data (Domain Transfer Objects) between the layers. I implemented some classes in a Domain Level (class…
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5 answers

Linq to SQL & Logical partitioning (DAL, BLL)

We're going to be rebuilding one of our sites in .Net. I've read many articles and really like the idea of separating our project into a data access layer (DAL), Business logic layer (BLL), and presentation layer (we're coming from classic ASP so…
Chris Klepeis
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2 answers

BLL, DAL, OBJ and 3 layer architecture

My question is about 3 layer architecture. My project is briefly something like the below, however what annoyed me is after I insert a new column inside my database, I have to update those all fields except for the BLL. In the presentation layer, I…
2 answers

ASP.NET MVC: BLL and DAL to Repository design

We are moving from ASP.NET Web Forms to MVC 2.0. In most of our projects we have a typical setup to communicate with a database. Common (objects/entities like 'SiteMenu' and 'Users') Business Logic Layer (with calls to de Data Access Layer) Data…
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Working with MVC 2.0 and the Model in a separate assembly

I'm new to MVC and even though there is a lot (and I do mean a lot) of information out there that is very useful - it's proofing very difficult to get a clear understanding on how to achieve my exact requirements with MVC 2.0. I would like to set up…
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