Questions tagged [myfaces]

Apache MyFaces provides an implementation of the JSF specification ("MyFaces Core"), and a set of add-on libraries that work on any implementation of the specification.

Apache MyFaces is a Java Server Faces(JSF) implementation. It is a project of Apache Software Foundation and holds many sub-projects. All MyFaces frameworks, UI Libraries, components and extensions are based on MyFaces Core that has two submodules MyFaces API (myfaces-api.jar) and MyFaces Impl (myfaces-impl.jar). Following are the some information of some MyFaces sub-projects:

  • Trinidad : A framework that provides a large set of enterprise quality components. Project Site and Demo Site.

  • Tobago: It provides rich set of JSF based UI Components. The UI Components are abstracted from HTML. It also provides theming mechanism and a layout manager. Project Site and Demo Site.

  • Tomahawk: It is a set of JSF components that go well beyond the JSF specification. The Tomahawk family of components includes converters, validators, and a set of attributes added to the JSF components. Project Site and Demo Site.

Find more information on MyFaces on The Apache MyFaces main site. A good source of information can also be found on this site. A good starter tutorial can be found at this site. There is also a reference in Wikipedia.

664 questions
7 answers

Difference between Mojarra and MyFaces

I am starting on JSF2.0 I used a tutorial as a reference but I have the following question: The tutorial used 2 libs only: jsf-api.jar, jsf-impl.jar (but also had JSTL) from Mojarra Project. I tried to dowload them also but seems the site is not…
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4 answers

CDI Injection into a FacesConverter

From just a few searches, this seems like a problem that has been around for a while. I have written a FacesConverter that looks like the following. The object Category is a JPA entity and CategoryControl is the DAO that fetches…
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2 answers

What is viewstate in JSF, and how is it used?

In JSF, there is a viewstate associated with each page, which is passed back and forth with submits etc. I know that viewstate is calculated using the states of the various controls on the page, and that you can store it either client side or server…
Matthew Farwell
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4 answers

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener when using MyFaces with WASCE/Geronimo

I am trying to create a simple JSF web application using MyFaces v 2.1 with WebSphere Application Server Community Edition v3.0.0.1 and Eclipse Juno but when I try to run the application the following error is returned …
Paul H
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2 answers

Passing action method names as arguments to facelets componenets

I am calling a template and am passing in parameters like below:
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4 answers

JSF - How do I implement a JavaScript "Are you sure?" prompt for a

In my JSF 1.2 webapp I have a page with a that invokes an action method on a backing bean. This action will cause data to be removed/replaced in the database, so I want to avoid any situations where the user accidentally clicks on…
Jim Tough
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3 answers

Can MyFaces + CDI be used on WebLogic 12c?

I've been trying to get this setup running for a couple of days now but still no luck. Here's the test application i've been using: @Named @RequestScoped public class Test { private String test = "test"; public String getTest() { return…
Sjoerd van Kreel
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1 answer

What is the default for FACELETS_REFRESH_PERIOD?

In a JSF application, the parameter javax.faces.FACELETS_REFRESH_PERIOD can be used to enable/disable automatic reloading of XHTML files. I am currently researching the right configuration for production deployments, and accidentally found out that…
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2 answers

JSF 2.1 ViewScopedBean @PreDestroy method is not called

I have a method in a view Scoped Bean with the @PreDestroy annotation and another one with the @PostConstruct annotation. The @PostConstruct method is properly called every time I navigate to the page that uses this view scoped bean. However, when I…
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1 answer

Call order of h:commandLink action and f:ajax listener

Here is my markup: I tried to run this page in Mojarra-2.2.8(wildfly 8.2.0.Final…
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1 answer

What's the difference between Development and Production in MyFaces

I'm doing some development work in JSF with MyFaces and I got this warning. ******************************************************************* *** WARNING: Apache MyFaces-2 is running in DEVELOPMENT mode. *** *** …
Mark Robinson
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4 answers

Icesfaces vs Myfaces vs Primefaces

I am starting out a new project that involves the use of JSF 2.0. From my initial reading, the Mojarra and Apache Implementation of the project covers the basic components that you will need. But I know that user's would seek gui with better…
Mark Estrada
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1 answer

Should PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING be set to false?

It seems that today (April 2012), both MyFaces and Mojarra's JSF 2.1 implementations have defects around partial state saving and that PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING should be set to false. Is this true?
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2 answers

@EJB in @ViewScoped @ManagedBean causes

I've read @EJB in @ViewScoped managed bean causes, but my state saving setting is server. Here is what I have: web.xml:
Michele Mariotti
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1 answer

How to reference Facelets taglib in JAR from Facelets and web.xml?

I am using the Apache MyFaces Commons Validator TagLib. How should i add this to my web.xml? The commons JAR is downloaded and resolved through Maven. XHTML (I think this is correct):
Oh Chin Boon
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