Questions tagged [myfaces]

Apache MyFaces provides an implementation of the JSF specification ("MyFaces Core"), and a set of add-on libraries that work on any implementation of the specification.

Apache MyFaces is a Java Server Faces(JSF) implementation. It is a project of Apache Software Foundation and holds many sub-projects. All MyFaces frameworks, UI Libraries, components and extensions are based on MyFaces Core that has two submodules MyFaces API (myfaces-api.jar) and MyFaces Impl (myfaces-impl.jar). Following are the some information of some MyFaces sub-projects:

  • Trinidad : A framework that provides a large set of enterprise quality components. Project Site and Demo Site.

  • Tobago: It provides rich set of JSF based UI Components. The UI Components are abstracted from HTML. It also provides theming mechanism and a layout manager. Project Site and Demo Site.

  • Tomahawk: It is a set of JSF components that go well beyond the JSF specification. The Tomahawk family of components includes converters, validators, and a set of attributes added to the JSF components. Project Site and Demo Site.

Find more information on MyFaces on The Apache MyFaces main site. A good source of information can also be found on this site. A good starter tutorial can be found at this site. There is also a reference in Wikipedia.

664 questions
2 answers

No saved view state could be found for the view identifier

When I was running my JSF application on Jetty server it was running fine. But as I moved this to Weblogic server, it started giving me this error. javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: /wsListing.xhtmlNo saved view state could be found for…
Sunny Gupta
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1 answer

Conversation Scope in JSF 2.0

I am trying to implement conversation scope in backing bean of JSF for our application. At first, I am trying to use MyFaces Orchestra. It seems to work well. However, I am concerning the case when the application deployed in cluster environment and…
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URL should change in JSF navigation

I have made a Login.xhtml by using Apache Myfaces 2.1 (using JSF 1.x) When I have given my username and password on login.xhtml and one submit button is there. When I click on goodbye button, the control goes to wsListing.xhtml but the URL in the…
Sunny Gupta
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1 answer

Problems on running MyFaces project with Tomcat in Windows (java.lang.LinkageError)

I'm facing this problem that I cant understand the error. This projects runs ok on Mac, but on Windows is happening this: GRAVE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class…
John John Pichler
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1 answer

Reducing NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION results in ViewExpiredException

I'm running myFaces 2.1.7 and desperatly trying to reduche the mmeory usage of our web application. Basically session size of each users ballons to up to 10MB which we can't handle. I tried adding the following to Descriptor: …
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Upgrade issues - What is the connection between JSF, Myfaces, Trinidad and Facelets?

I have been working on a project and trying to understand how these components work. I am getting confused with the role each one plays. My current task is to take a project that is utilizing JSF, MyFaces, Trinidad and Facelets in Tomcat 5.5 and…
John F.
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1 answer

Apache MyFaces JSF2.0 bug: getStateHelper().put doesn't save anything?

MyFaces seems to be ignoring my call to getStateHelper.put() in this component: public class BFTableComponent extends UINamingContainer { ... private void setCurrentPageNumber(int currentPageNumber) { …
Jonathan S. Fisher
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1 answer

update fields of conditionally rendered form

my problem is, that I want to render form2 conditionally. This collides with a ajax update event of another form1, which should trigger the rendering of form2.
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0 answers

Launching Applet from JSF NullPointerException

When I run a applet inside a jsf page (I'm working with myfaces and trinidad components) the log shows me this while the applet is loading: SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet faces threw exception java.lang.NullPointerException at…
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0 answers

jstl inside a composite not handled correctly?

myfaces-2.1.7, Tomcat-7.0.27 it seems like jstl is not propagated very will into composite elements. Could anybody explain the output of my example page: Direct: String:f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 Array: f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 Array2: f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 Inside…
Milo van der Zee
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2 answers

JSF 2.0 - Myfaces have problems rendering composite components

Some days ago I've changed mojarra to myfaces to solve this problem, now I'm having an strange problem rendering my composite components, they simply aren't rendered the second time I open one popup (the popup is a composite component too). The…
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1 answer

JSF 2 (MyFaces 2.0.12): Preventing Login page from being Cached issues

To prevent Login screen on my application from being cached by the browser i'm using the following peace of code : public class SessionHandler implements Filter { public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { } public void…
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1 answer

Is there a way to fix corrupt myfaces captcha image?

I'm using JSF myfaces 2.0. The captcha image is corrupted on screen. The OS is RHEL 7.4. I'm using new OS, RHEL 7.4. I downloaded tomahawk20 sources and debugged the code. Found that captcha text is generated properly in class…
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1 answer

f:ajax render referencing iterated component

I have xhtml with following structure:
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1 answer

FacesMessage is not being rendered

I am using Hibernate Validator with JSF, Richfaces. I have a text area wherein I input comma separated list of email domains.I have a hibernate ConstraintValidator which dutifully returns false if any of the email domains is not correct. In code…
Subhendu Mahanta
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