Questions tagged [websphere-ce]

15 questions
4 answers

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener when using MyFaces with WASCE/Geronimo

I am trying to create a simple JSF web application using MyFaces v 2.1 with WebSphere Application Server Community Edition v3.0.0.1 and Eclipse Juno but when I try to run the application the following error is returned …
Paul H
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3 answers

Log4j in Websphere

I recently take over a web application project using websphere and log4j running under AIX. To create a development environment, I setup all the components in windows, using eclipse to compile a WAR file and deploy it. All is working fine except…
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2 answers

java.lang.String in jndi default context with Apache Geronimo - How?

In a servlet I do the following: Context context = new InitialContext(); value = (String) context.lookup("java:comp/env/propertyName"); On an Apache Geronimo instance (WAS CE 2.1) how do i associate a value with the key propertyName? In…
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how to create database pool in websphere to connect to db2

I am participating in ibm tgmc 2011. For that project I need to work on ibm products websphere(Community Edition),db2-express c edition,eclipse. I want to know how to create database pool in websphere. I used the administrative console and in first…
Ravi Teja
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WASCE to Tomcat migration - Axis fault issue

I am working on to converting the WASCE web application into tomcat web application. In my application, I am using the SOAP web services too. When I tried to migrating to tomcat application, I am getting the following exception. 05:53:47…
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Does Apache CXF library work on a WAS CE server?

I am using CXF to help me call certain web services. I am able to get my code to run locally, but when I deploy my war I am having issues. After looking through the logs I believe WAS CE uses axis2 as its web service engine. Is this what is causing…
1 answer

What geronimo-web.xml does in WebSphere?

Recently I deployed a web app in WebSphere Community Edition v3. Eclipse smartly created geronimo-web.xml and web.xml. In JSF 2.0 we learned about the use of web.xml but what is the use of geronimo-web.xml? Can I ignore this file and simply remove…
Ravi Joshi
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1 answer

Fresh WAS-CE installation gives nothing but "HTTP 400 'bad request'"?

I apologise in advance for something I'm expecting is a horrifyingly noob-question. I decided to try out developing web-applications in Java, using IBM's WAS-CE platform. I've never worked with this platform before, nor any other platforms for…
Jacob Hansson
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1 answer

Websphere: No recipient has been provided on the MailMessage or the 'MailHeaders.TO' header

while trying to debug an API through Postman, deployed in IBm websphere Community Edition 3.x with JDK 1.6, I am getting following error. 2017-04-26 16:14:57,779 ERROR [LoggingHandler] org.springframework.messaging.MessageHandlingException: error…
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1 answer

WASCE data source encryption and integrity configuration

I have created a database pool on WASCE (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition) which i am using through JNDI. I want to set oracle network data encryption and integrity properties for this database pool. The properties i want to…
Sumeet Kashyap
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1 answer

How can I share variables among different load-balanced WebSphere instances?

I have web application deployed on WebSphere Community edition (WAS CE) server on four different machines for load balancing purposes. I want to store some constant variables/objects among the four servers. If I change the variable in web…
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Work and Time Manager in WAS Community Edition

We were having our application deployed on Websphere Application Server ver 7.x and were using Work and Timer Manager for creating container managed threads and timer respectively. Now we have to move our application to IBM WebSphere Application…
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Websphere CE (Community Edition) fails to load properties from file to InitialContext

my web app works good on tomcat server, now i am porting it to Websphere CE, app reads properties file & load it to IntialContext, if I run the app using tomcat >> InitialContext ic has env variable and properties are loaded in env but in…
San Metro
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Spring cannot find jar outside EAR - WebSphere community edition

I have an ear deployed to WebSphere Application Server Community Edition which uses spring to load different interfaces. For production all those classes are loaded inside the ear. I'm trying to override those classes with another class in a jar…
Ryan H
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1 answer

Getting started for JSF in WebSphere Community Edition v3

I am trying to create a JSF2.0 application in WebSphere Community Edition v3 in Eclipse. I already installed plugin for WebSphere Community Edition v3 and JSFv2.0 (Apache MyFaces) with JSTLv1.2 but i don't know how to start in WebSphere. I have…
Ravi Joshi
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